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#915 Union Trust Building,
Detroit, Michigan,
October 7th,1901.

W. G. Smith, Esq.,
Detroit, Mich.

Dear Mr. Smith:--
The enclosed letter from Mr. Auerbach, dated September 18th, reached me during my recent trip to the White Mountains. Will you kindly read and return the same at your early convenience.

I also beg to acknowledge the receipt of your note of September 19th, enclosing a letter from Mr. Hugo Thum. Let me thank you for having requested him to make the shipment of Tanglefoot to Mr. Jerome of Capri.

I hope, during this week sometime, to write a letter to Mr. Thum, in answer to his enquiry concerning handling Tanglefoot in Italy, and shall be pleased to send the same to you for your perusal before it goes to Mr. Thum.

Yours truly,
Charles L Freer