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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
October 12th, 1901.

Kobayashi Bunshichi, Esq.,
Care of S. S. "Empress of Japan",
Vancouver, British Columbia.

Dear Mr. Kobayashi:--

Your letter written from Tokio, September 9th, is received and fully noted. I shall be pleased to see you in Detroit and also to examine the screens of the Korin School, that is, those by Koyetsu, Sotatsu, Korin and Kenzan; so, if on your arrival at Vancouver, you will telegraph me to the address at the head of this letter, I will be pleased to reply promptly. I expect to be in Detroit until about the 1st of November, so, if you come to Detroit immediately after your arrival at Vancouver, you will be sure to find me at home.

Wishing you a safe journey, I remain, with kind regards,

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer