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-robes. Detroit with its beautiful fall weather seems a paradise compared to New York.
While in New York week before last, I saw for the first time your "New England Hills" in its new frame, and I was more charmed than I can tell you. Stanford White has produced another of his masterly things, and I don't believe a more harmonious setting was ever conceived for a picture. I know it will delight you. The combination took such strong hold on me that I felt I must have it here at once, so I had Montross forward it. The painting can now, for the first time, be fairly seen, and I don't believe you have ever done anything quite so exquisitely perfect as this canvass. It deserves a little temple of its own.

I called twice to see White, but missed him, so finally wrote him a letter asking him to have a duplicate of the frame made for you. A letter has recently come from him in which he says,  " Of course I will order another frame for Tryon". I am mighty glad of this, for I am sure it will make your back go "goose flesh" when you see it.
With warmest personal regards to yourself and Mrs. Tryon, I am, as ever, 
Faithfully yours,
Charles L Freer

D. W. Tryon, Esq.,
South Dartmouth, Mass.