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#33 Ferry Avenue
Detroit, Michigan,
October 28th, 1901.

Dear Mr. Moore:

I have your good letter of the 25th instant, and am glad to know that it will be convenient for all parties interested to make our trip to Washington so as to be with Mr. Waggamann on Sunday, November 3rd.

This evening, I leave Detroit for the Berkshire Hills, where I have some farming to do. I will arrive in New York on Saturday forenoon, November 2nd, and will be ready to start with you for Washington by the Congressional Limited Train, leaving West 23rd Street, New York, at three:twenty-five P. M., due to arrive in Washington at eight: thirty P. M. I will call at your place Saturday morning. In the meantime, take good care of yourself, and see to it that nothing interferes with our little trip. I am looking forward to same with great expectations.

Yours very truly,
Charles L Freer

R. E. Moore, Esq.,
#33 Union Square,
New York City.

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