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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
November 16th, 1901.

Dear Matsuki:--
After leaving you in Boston that evening, I continued my journey to New York, thence to Kingston, and finally home, where I arrived on Sunday last.

A day or two ago, the cases of pottery, etc., came safely. I unpacked the same yesterday, and sent to Col. Hecker his pieces, about which he will write you as soon as he shall have determined whether or not he wants to keep them. I found my pieces all right, and take pleasure in enclosing herewith draft on Boston, payable to your order for $1,700.00 in settlement of amount, as per voucher herewith, which please receipt and return at your convenience.

I am glad to know that you arranged matters with Mr. Kirby satisfactorily for your exhibition and sale of wood carvings, and hope you will succeed in interesting him in your group of paintings in water-colour.

I also enclose another draft, payable to your order for $77.80 covering your invoice for the miscellaneous articles, which are not to go in my collection.