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wish to contribute. The "eats", dentifrice and plaiter, covered by the invoices of McMillan, D.S. Phelps and the Brown Pharmacy Company, amounting to $34.10, have been charged to your account.
I hope everything will arrive in good order, and that they will be found satisfactory in every way.
Coleman has been with me for a couple of days. He left last night for Denver. He is looking very well, and seems very much like his old time self. Freddie looked him over yesterday, and found very satisfactory improvements in his physical condition.
A letter enclosed herewith from Mr. Kennedy explains tax matters.
Everything her goes along smoothly.
The improvements to the interior of the Yondotega will be finished to-morrow. Everybody seems delighted, and the place really is more attractive than ever. The new porch to house and the new garden wall will be the next thing to tackle.
With every good wish, in which Col. Hecker joins, I remain,
Affectionately yours,
Charles L. Freer

Thomas S. Jerome, Esq., 
Capri, Italy.