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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 6th, 1901.

Dear Mr. McBride:--

Referring again to my hurried note sent you from the Waldorf Hotel yesterday. Before the receipt of your telegram of the 4th instant, saying you would arrive in New York the early part of next week, I had purchased the following pieces of pottery, and had ordered the same, together with invoices, sent to you at St. Louis. I presume they will have reached you ere this letter is received, namely:--

From R. E. Moore, #33 Union Square, New York City, one Awata Jar, $20.00; one Karatsu Jar, with stand and cover, $50.00; and one Tall Hagi Flower Vase, $50.00. Each one of these are of unusual quality, The latter mentioned one, #6690, is fit to go into any collection.

I also bought of a temporary concern, Y. Fujita & Company, #28 West 33rd Street, three very good pieces of pottery. The salesman's name is Getz; the Japanese associated with him is Fukishima.

The balance of the purchases were made of Yamanaka & Co.,

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