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#915 Union Trust Building, 
April 22nd, 1901.

My dear Mr. Auerbach:-
Your kind letter of 19th instant reached me too late on Saturday afternoon last to accomplish anything at that time. However, early this morning, I had an interview with Mr. Smith, and informed him of the contents of your letter. He had just returned from a several days absence, and said he feared he could not possibly go to New York this week. He consulted with Mr. Berry, and later told me that if you could see him on Monday next, it would be much more convenient for him, as it would give him an opportunity to attend to some pressing matters here, and also prepare the information you asked for. Therefore, I have just wired you:-

"Your letter received. Information required is being prepared. Mr. Smith can meet you your office Monday twenty-ninth April. Will that day suit you?"

and now beg to confirm the same.