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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan,
December 17th, 1901.

Dear Dewing:--

Professor Fenollosa left me this morning, after a ten days' visit which has proved very enjoyable indeed.

While he was here, we selected from my collection of prints one hundred specimens, and exhibited them in the Detroit Museum. They looked very well, indeed, although hastily hung, and I am sending you herewith enclosed a list of the prints exhibited, with a foreword on the Ukiyo-ye School, written by Professor Fenollosa.

I also send you along with the list a copy of the illustrated catalogue of paintings and screens of the Korin School exhibited by Mr. Kobayashi in Tokio last year. Mr. Kobayashi begs me to send the catalogue to you with his compliments. You will recognize the catalogue as a copy of the one which he promised you the day we called upon him together in New York. 

The large two-fold screen showing corn and coxcomb, Professor Fenollosa has examined and studied very carefully. He declares it to be not by Sotatsu, as Kobayashi said, but instead a very important example of the work of Koyetsu, the teacher of