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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Mich., U. S. A.,
December 19th, 1901.

John K. Cowan, Esq.,
#38 West Register Street,
Edinburgh, Scotland.

My dear Sir:--

Your kind note of the 23rd ultimo , written at the "Caledonian Club", also your good letter of the 4th instant, sent from Edinburgh, were both duly received. 

I was delighted to receive the photographs of "Thames in Ice", Mrs. Whibley" and "Little Oxted". How interesting the photographs are, and what a charming drawing the "Little Oxted" must be! May I expect to hear further concerning it, and any other works by the Master that you may care to dispose of. 

The "Thames in Ice" and "Mrs. Whibley" came in perfect order yesterday evening. As yes, I have had but a limited time in which to examine them, but I am greatly delighted with what I have seen. The "Thames in Ice" is the very type of the period of Mr. Whistler's work which I have long been wanting to add to my little group. The "Mrs. Whibley" has certain rare qualities of composition and color, which, it seems to me, no one by Mr.