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#33 Ferry Avenue,
Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A.,
December 19th, 1901.

W. S. Marchant, Esq.,
of William Marchant & Company,
#5 Regent Street, Waterloo Place,
London S. W., England.

My dear Sir:--

Your good letter of December 3rd, with its accompanying documents, came a few days ago. Yesterday, the two paintings by Mr. Whistler arrived, and were immediately delivered and investigated by the custom house officials at my house. You will be glad to know that both of the paintings were found in perfect condition, the packing thereof having been perfectly done. 

This morning, I cabled you as follows:-

"Marciando, London. Alright. Freer."

I am under many obligations to you for having so intelligently attending to the forwarding of the pictures, and for having secured the necessary custom house documents, etc.

Herewith enclosed, please find draft payable to your order for your bill covering insurance and packing. I find no charge for your personal services in the matter, and hope ere long to have a chance to show my appreciation of your goodness.