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[[5 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 3 1868 | Archer M R Agent &c  Forwd to Maj. Gen. Howard Comr. Feb. 18" 1868 | Dahlonega, Ga, Dec 31/67 Transmits return of stores pertaining to Bureau R.F&A.L. for month of Dec'r 1867 | C. T. Watson A.AQM & D.O. | Office A Com'r, Bureau R.F&A.L. Atlanta, Ga. Jany 10. 1868 Respectfully referred to C. T. Watson. A.AQ.M & D.O. for examination  By order of Bt Brig Gen'l Sibley Lt & A.A.A.G. |

| Feb. 5th 1868 | Archer M R Agent  Feb 21 1868 Retd attention invited to endorsement of C T Watson AAQM Retd to C T Watson AAQM & DO Corrected Mar 6" 1868 Forwd to Maj. Gen. Howard Comr. March 10" 1868. | Dahlonega, Ga. Jan. 31st 1868 Return of Bu'. Stores for month of Jan. 1868 | C T Watson AAQM &. D.O | Office Ass't. Com'r. B.R.F. and A.L. Atlanta Ga Feb. 5th 1868 Respectfully referred to C T Watson AAQM & DO. for examination  By order of Bvt. Brig. Gen Sibley Lt. & A.A.A.G. |

| Feb 3d 1868 | D'Alvigny A A.A.Surg. U.S.A. | Atlanta, Ga. Jan. 31st 1868 Return of Bu'. Stores for month of Jan 1868. (Entd under D) |   |   |

| Feb. 10th 1868 | Archer, M. R. Agent. | Dahlonega, Ga. Feb. 6th 1868. Encloses Personal Account for month of Jan. 1868 | M R Archer Agent. | Office Asst. Comr. BRF&AL Atlanta, Ga. Feb. 10th 1868 Respectfully returned for compliance with Circular No. 16 series 1867. from this office, Copy enclosed. By order of B'vt. Brig. Gen. Sibley Lt & A.A.A.G. |

| Feb 11" 1868 | Archer. M. R. Agent. Feb. 21" 1868 Retd attention invited to endorsement of C T Watson AAQM & DO | Dahlonega, Ga. Jan 31st 1868 Report of Persons & Articles hired for month of Jan. 1868 
Transportation Accounts & Postage both for Mo. Jan 1868
Requisition for Fuel for month of Jan. 1868 | C.T. Watson AAQM & DO | Office Asst. Comr. B.R.F and A.L. Atlanta Ga Feb. 11" 1868 Respectfully referred to C T Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. By order of B'vt. Brig. Gen. Sibley Lt. & A.A.A.G. |

| Feb. 22" 1868 | Archer, M. R. Agent | Dahlonega Ga Feb 14" 1868 Encloses Personal Account for month of January 1868. 
Encloses Voucher of Wm Anderson for payment
Encloses account of David L Harris | C T Watson AAQM & DO | Office Asst. Comr. BRF&AL Atlanta, Ga. Feb. 22d 1868 Respectfully referred to C. T. Watson, A.A.Q.M. & D.O. By order of B'vt. Brig. Gen. C. C. Sibley Lt & A.A.A.G. |

Transfd to page 650.