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64  65

[[5 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 

| Oct. 23" 1867 | Curtis D.J. Agent | La Fayette Ga. Oct. 21" 1867 Transmits vouchers for Transportation and Subsistence for month of Sept 67 amt $26.50 | C.T. Watson | Office Asst Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta Oct. 24" 1867. Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O.  State of Ga. By order of Bt. Brig. Gen. C.C. Sibley Lt & A.A.A. Gen. |

| Oct. 24 1867 | Collins A.P. M.D. | Macon Ga Oct 17" 1867. Transmits Ration Return for 16 dys from 16" to 31" of Oct 1867. | Capt. N.S. Hill | Office A. Comr. Bureau R.F.& A.L. Atlanta Ga, Oct 24" 1867 Respectfully returned to A.R. Collins A.A. Surg; thro Capt. N.S. Hill, S.A. Comr, Macon Ga, approved. By order of Bt. Brig Gen. Sibley. Lt. & A.A.A. Gen. |

| Oct 24" 1867 | Clement T.R. A.A. Surg. | Savannah Ga. Oct 24-1867. Transmits Inspection and report of property pertaining to Freedmens Hospt. at Savannah, Ga. Oct 24" 1867. | J.M. Hoag, S.A. Com'r | Office A. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta Ga, Oct 27"/67 Respectfully returned to T.R. Clement A.A. Surg. thro. Lt. J.M. Hoag S.A. Comr. Savannah Ga. By order of Brig Gen. Sibley. Lt. & A.A.A. Gen. |

| Oct 24" 1867 | Caldwell J.H. | La Grange, Ga. Oct. 28" 1867. Transmits Bills for lumber purchased | C.T. Watson | Office A. Comr. Bureau R.F.& A.L. Atlanta Ga, Oct 25" 1867 Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. Bureau State of Ga. By order of Bt. Brig. Gen. Sibley, Lt. & A.A.A. Gen. |

| Oct. 25" 1867. | Clement T.R. A.A. Surg. | Savannah Ga. Oct. 20" 1867. Transmits Ration Return for 5 dys ending 25" of Oct. 1867 | J.M. Hoag, S.A. Comr. | Office A. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta Ga, Oct 25" 1867 Respectfully returned to T.R. Clement A.A. Surg, thro. Lt J.M. Hoag, S.A. Comr. Savannah Ga. approved. By order of Bt. Brig. Gen. Sibley. Lt. & A.A.A. Gen. |

| Oct 28" 1867 | Curtis D.J. Agent | La Fayette Ga. Oct. 21 1867. Transmits requisitions for fuel for month of Nov. 1867 | C.T. Watson | Office A. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta Ga, Oct 29" 1867 Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson A.A.A.Q.M. & D.O. Bureau State of Ga. By order of Bt. Brig Gen Sibley. Lt. & A.A.A. Gen. |


Transcription Notes:
Two pages together make one 5-column table - first entry corrected I believe a few of the unknown words are Ga. or Georgia The Unknown number in the final row may be 22 or 27 One of the names in the two columned table on the second page is unknown to me. Surg. = Sergeant perhaps? If so, good luck to you I am leaving off on Oct. 24. 1867 on the second page, just in case anyone takes over my work while I am away. For context, Brig. General Sibley was a confederate general who commanded a cavalry brigade Rebuttal note about Sibley - Henry Hopkins Sibley was a confederate general, but Caleb C. Sibley was in the Union Army, later the Freedmen's Bureau. Edited, completed.