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[[5 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Oct. 1st 1867 | Ehlers, E.M.L. Bt. Col. & S.A. Com'r. | Augusta Ga. Sept. 30th 1867 Transmits Report of Lands for the Month of Sept. 1867. | C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. | Office Asst. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta Ga Oct 2nd '67 Respectfully referred to C. T. Watson, A.A.Q.M. & D.O. State of Ga. By order of Maj. J.R. Lewis Act. Asst. Comr. Lt. & A.A.A. Genl. |

| Oct. 2nd 1867 | Ehlers E.M.L. S.A. Comr. Forwd to Gen. Howard Comr. Oct. 29th 1867. | Augusta Ga. Sept. 30th 1867. Transmits return of stores pertaining to the Bureau for the Month of Sept 1867. | C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. | Office Asst. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta Ga Oct. 7th 1867 | Respectfully referred to C. T. Watson, A.A.Q.M. & D.O. State of Ga. By order of Maj. J.R. Lewis Act. Asst. Comr. Lt. & A.A.A. Genl. |

| Oct. 28th 1867 | Ehlers E.M.L S.A. Comr. | Augusta Ga. Oct. 26th 1867. Transmits list of (?) for the month of Oct. 1867. | E.M.L Ehlers S.A Comr. | Office Asst. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta Ga Oct. 29th 1867 | Respectfully returned to Bt. Col. EML Ehlers SA. Comr. Augusta, Ga. approved. By order of Bt. Brig. Gen Sibley Lt. A.A.A. Gen.|
|Nov. 1st 1867| Ehlers E.M.L. S.A. Comr. Forw'd to Gen Howard Comr. Nov 19th 1867.| Augusta Ga. Oct 31st 1867 Transmits Report of Stores pertaining to Bureau for Month of Oct. 1867.| Office A. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta, Ga. Nov. 4th /67 Respectfully referred t C.T. Watson a agent & DO State of Ga. for Examination 
By order of Bt. Brig. Gen. Sibley Lt & A A A Gen.|

|Nov. 26th 1867.| E.M.L. S.A. Comr.| Augusta Ga. Nov. 25th 1867. Transmits list of Stores expended for the Month of Nov. 1867.| Office A. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta, Ga. Nov 26th 1867 Respectfully returned approved. By order of Bt. Brig. Gen. Sibley Major & A J Gen|

|Dec. 1st 1867.| Ehlers EMl. S a Comr Forward to Gen Howard Comr. Dec. 20th 1867.| Augusta Ga Nov 30th 1867 Transmits Return of Stores pertaining to Bureau for Month of Nov. 1867 C T Watson a agent & DO| Office A Cmr. Bureau R F & A L Atlanta, Ga Dec 5th/67 Respectfully referred to C. T. Watson a a q m & D O State of Ga for Examination 
By order of Bt Brig Gen Sibley Maj & A A. G.