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[[5 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |  

| Jany 7 1868 | Lodge Chas A.A. Surg | Albany, Ga, Jany 3/68 | Forwards postage account from 20 Nov till Dec 21st 1867.
Forwards report of Persons, Articles hired for month of Dec 1867, with vouchers.
Forwards requisition for for fuel for month of January 1868. | C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. | Office A. Com'r. Bureau R.F. & A.L., Atlanta, Ga, Jany 8 1868 Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. Atlanta, Ga. By order of Bt Brig Gen'l Sibley
Lt & A.A.A.G. |

| January 7th 1868 | Lodge Chas AA Surg Forwd to Maj. Gen. Howard Comr. Feb 17th 1868 | Albany Ga Jan 5th 1868 Forwards Return of Bureau Stores for December 1867 | C.T. Watson AAQM & DO | Office A. Com'r. Bureau RF & AL Atlanta, Ga, Jan 11th/68 Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson AAQM & DO Atlanta, Ga. for examination. By order of Bt Brig Gen'l Sibley
Lt & AAAG |

| Decr 31st 1867 | Losey Danl Agent Forwd to Maj. Gen. Howard Comr. Feb 17th 1868 | Fort Valley Dec 21st 1867 Forwards Return of Bureau Stores for December 1867. | C.T. Watson AAQM & DO | Office A. Com'r. Bureau RF & AL Atlanta, Ga, Jan 11th/67 Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson AAQM & DO Atlanta, Ga. for examination. By order of Bt Brig Gen Sibley
Lt & AAAG |

| Decr 31st 1868 | Leonard John Bvt Maj & A. Sub. Comr. Forwd to Maj. Gen. Howard Comr Feb 17th 1868. | Griffin Ga. Decr 31st 1867. Forwards Return of Bureau Stores for December 1867. | C.T. Watson AAQM & DO | Office A. Com'r. Bureau RF & AL Atlanta, Ga, Jan 11th/67 Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson AAQM & DO Atlanta, Ga. for examination. By order of Bt Brig Gen Sibley Lt & AAAG |

| Jan 11th 1868 | Loyless H.M. Agent. | Marion Ga Jan 1st 1868 Forwards Report of Persons & Articles hired for December 1868. | C.T. Watson AAQM & DO | Office A. Com'r. Bureau RF & AL Atlanta, Ga, Jan 11th 1867 Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson AAQM & DO Atlanta, Ga. By order of Bvt Brig Gen Sibley Lieut & AAAG |

| Jan 11th 1868 | Loyless H.M. Agent Forwd to Maj. Gen. Howard Comr Feb 17th 1868. | Marion Ga Jan 1st 1868 Forwards Return of Bureau Stores for Decr 1867 | C.T. Watson AAQM & DO | Office A. Com'r. Bureau RF & AL Atlanta, Ga, Jan 16 1868 Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson AAQM & DO Atlanta, Ga. for examination. By order of Bt Brig Gen Sibley Lt & AAAG |