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[[5 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Oct. 3" 1867 | North, Linus Agent | Brunswick Ga. Sept. 3" 1867 Transmits return of stores pertaining to Bureau for Qr ending Sept. 30" 1867 Monthly returns will be forwarded as as soon as blanks are received. | C.T Watson | Office Asst. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta Ga. Oct. 7" 1867. Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. State of Ga. for examination. By order of Maj. J.R. Lewis Act. Asst. Comr. Lt. & A.A.A Gen. |

| Oct. 3" 1867 | Nolan Geo. M. Agent Forwd. to Gen. Howard Comr. Oct. 27/67 | McDonough, Ga. Sept. 30" 1867. Transmits return of Stores pertaining to Bureau for month of Sept. 1867. | C.T Watson | Office Asst. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta Ga. Oct. 7" 1867. Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. State of Ga. for examination. By order of Maj. J.R. Lewis Act. Asst. Comr. Lt. & A.A.A Gen. |

| Oct. 12" 1867 | Nolan, Geo. M. Agent. | McDonough, Ga. Oct. 8" 1867. Transmits Quarterly Statement of Stores pertaining to Bureau for Qr. ending Sept. 30" 1867. | C.T Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O | Office A. Comr. Bureau R.F. and A.L. Atlanta Ga. Oct. 14" 67. Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Ga. for examination By order of Maj. J.R. Lewis Act. Asst. Comr. Lt. & A.A.A. Gen. |

| Oct. 14" 1867 | North Linus Agent. | Brunswick Ga. Oct. 7" 1867. Transmits monthly Return of property pertaining to Bureau for Sept. 1867. | C.T Watson | Office A. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta Ga. Oct. 15" 1867. Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. Bureau State of Ga. By order of Maj. J.R. Lewis Act. Asst. Comr. Lt. & AAA Gen |

| Oct. 17" 1867 | Nolan Geo. M. Agent. | McDonough Ga Oct. 12" 1867 Transmits Requisitions for Fuel for month of November 1867. | C.T. Watson | Office A. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta Ga. Oct. 18" 1867 Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. State of Georgia. By order of Maj. J.R. Lewis Act. Asst. Comr. Lt. & A.A.A. Gen |

| Oct. 17" 1867 | North Linus Agent Forwd to Gen Howard Com Oct 23/67 | Brunswick Ga Oct 7" 67. Transmits return of Stores pertaining to Bureau for month of Sept. 1867. | C.T. Watson | Office A. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta Ga. Oct. 15" 1867 Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. for exam By order of Maj. J.R. Lewis Act. Asst. Comr. Lt. & A.A.A. Gen. |

| Oct. 31" 1867 | Nolan Geo. M. Agent. Forwd. to Gen. Howard Com. Nov. 19 1867 | McDonough, Ga. Oct. 31" 1867 Transmits return of stores pertaining to Bureau for month of Oct. 1867. Oct. 31" 1867 Transmits report of Persons & Articles hired for month of Oct. 1867. | C.T. Watson | Office A. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta Ga. Oct. 30" 67. Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson AAQM & DO State of Ga. By order of Bt. Brig Gen. Sibley Lt. & AAA Gen |