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| April 23" 1868 | Sawyer, Charles F Agent. | Halcyondale Ga. April 17" 1868  Transmits Voucher Travelling Expenses to Sylvania & Coopersville Screven Co.  Vouchers Travelling Expenses to Statesboro Bullock Co & Sylvania Screven Co. | C T Watson AAQM & DO | Office A Comr. B R F and A L  Atlanta Ga April 25" 1868 Respectfully referred to C T Watson AAQM & DO. By order of Bvt Brig Gen. Sibley Lieut. & AAAG. |

| April 27." 1868 | Sawyer Charles F Agent. | Halcyondale, Ga. April 22" 1868. Transmits List of Stores Expended in month of April 1868. | J M Hoag S A Comr. | Office A Comr. B R F and A L Atlanta Ga April 29" 1868. Respectfully returned approved. By Order of B'vt. Brig. Gen. Sibley Lieut. & AAAG. |

| May 1." 1868 | Sawyer Charles F Agent. | Halcyondale, Ga. April 28" 1868 Transmits Report of Persons & Articles hired in April 1868. | C T Watson AAQM & DO. | Office A Comr. B R F and A L  Atlanta Ga. May 1" 1868 Respectfully referred to C T Watson AAQM & DO By order of Bvt Brig. Gen. Sibley Lieut. & AAAG. |

| May 2" 1868 | Sibley C C Commissioner Returned to C T. Watson AAQM & DO for issue May 4" 1868. | Atlanta, Ga. April 2" 1868 Forwards Special Requisition for Stationary for N Seller Hill SAC for May 1868. | C T Watson AAQM & DO | Office A Comr B R F and A L  Atlanta Ga. May 4" 1868 Respectfully referred to C T Watson AAQM & DO. By order of Bvt Brig Gen. Sibley Lieut. & AAAG. |

| May 2" 1868. | Smith James R Agent | Sandersville Ga April 30" 1868 Transmits Report of Persons & Articles hired in April 1868. | C T Watson AAQM & DO | Office A Comr B R F and A L  Atlanta, Ga. May 4" 1868 Respectfully referred to C T Watson AAQM & DO. By order of Bvt Brig. Gen Sibley Lieut. & AAAG. |

| May 5" 1868 | Shiels James A Agent. | Cuthbert Ga. May 1." 1868 Transmits Report of Persons & Articles hired in April 1868 with voucher Pay & Postage Accounts for April 1868. | C T Watson AAQM & DO. | Office A Comr. B R F and A L  Atlanta Ga May 5" 1868 Respectfully referred to C T Watson AAQM & DO By order of Bvt Brig Gen. Sibley Lieut. & AAAG. |