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[[5 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Sept. 18th 1867 | Whithorn F.M. Agt. | Dalton Ga. June 1st 1867. Transmits vouchers for hauling supplies in June, 1867, A.G.B. Vandives & C.T. Boyles | C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O | Office Asst. Comr. Bureau R.F & AL Atlanta Ga. Sept. 20th 67. Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Ga. for settlement who will be cautious that he does not pay it twice. By order of Bt. Brig. Gen. Sibley Maj. & A.A.A. Genl. | 

| Sept. 26th 1867 | Wheelock Lewis L. Agent. | Halcoyndale Ga. Sept. 21st 1867 Transmits List of Stores pertaining to Bureau expended during the month of Sept. 1867 | [[strikethrough]] C.T. Watson [[/strikethrough]] L L Wheelock th. Lt J M Hoag. | Office A. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Ga. Sept. 28th 1867. [[strikethrough]] Respectfully referred to C.T. Watson A.A.Q.M. & D.O. Bur. R.F. & AL Ga. [[/strikethrough]] error above Respectfully returned approved on Oct 2nd 1867  By order of Maj. J.R. Lewis Act. Asst. Comr. Lt. & A.A.A. Gen. | 

| Sept. 27th 1867 | Wagner Geo. S.A. Comr. | Columbus Ga. Sept. 25th 1867 Transmits report & receipts of clothing issued issued to dependent freedpeople in the month of Aug. 1867, for approval. | Lt. Geo. Wagner S.A. Comr. | Office A. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta Sept. 28th 1867. Respectfully returned to Lt. Geo. Wagner S.A. Com. Columbus Ga. approved By order of Maj. J.R. Lewis Act. Asst. Comr Lt. & A.A.A. Genl. |

| Sept. 28th 1867 | Wagner, Geo S.A. Comr | Columbus Ga. Sept 26th 1867 Transmits Return of Stores pertaining to Bureau for the month of Sept. 1867 | Geo. Wagner S.A. Comr. | Office A Comr. Bureau RF & A.L Atlanta Sept. 30th 1867 Respectfully returned approved. By order of Maj. J.R. Lewis Act Asst Comr Lt. & AAA Gen |

| Oct. 1st 1867 | Wagner Geo. S.A Comr. | Columbus Ga. Sept. 30th 1867 Transmited on 26th inst. duplicate lists of Stores pertaining to Bureau, for appvl. requests one copy be returned | Lt. Geo. Wagner S.A. Comr. | Office A. Comr. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Atlanta Oct. 2nd 1867. Respectfully returned to Lt. Geo. Wagner S.A. Comr Columbus Ga. with the information that the List of Stores expended was returned approved, on Sept 30th The return of stores will be retained in the office to await the the List of Expenditures, which you will forward without delay. By order of Maj. J.R. Lewis Act. Asst. Comr Lt. & A.A.A. Genl. |