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| March 10th 1868 | Newsom, D.A. Agent. | Woodville, Ga. Feb. 29th 1868 Transmits Report of Persons & Articles hired in the month of February, 1868, with vouchers. | C T Watson AAQM & DO | Office Asst Comr BRF & AL Atlanta Ga Mar 10th 1868 Respectfully transmitted to C T Watson AAQM & DO. By order of Bvt. Brig. Gen. Sibley Lt. & A.A.A.G. |

| March 10th 1868 | Newsom, D.A. Agent. Forwd to Maj. Gen. Howard Comr. Mar. 17th 1868 | Woodville, Ga. Feb. 29th 1868 Transmits Return of Bu. Stores for month of February, 1868. | C T Watson AAQM & DO | Office Asst Comr BRF & AL Atlanta Ga Mar. 11th 1868 Respectfully referred to C T Watson AAQM & DO for examination By order of Bvt. Brig. Gen. Sibley Lt. & A.A.A.G. |

| March 6th 1868 | North Linus Agent | Brunswick, Ga. Feb. 29th 1868 Transmits Personal Report. | O O Howard Maj. Gen. Comr. | Office Asst Comr BRF & AL Atlanta Ga Mar. 11th 1868 Respectfully forwarded B'vt. Brig. Gen. Asst. Comr. |

| March 23rd 1868 | North Linus Agent | Brunswick, Ga. March 20th 1868 Transmits Requisition for Forage for Private Horse for month of April, 1868. | C T Watson AAQM & DO | Office Asst Comr BRF & AL Atlanta Ga Mar. 24th 1868 Respectfully referred to C T Watson AAQM & DO. By order of Bvt. Brig. Gen. Sibley Lieut. & A.A.A.G. |

| March 24th 1868 | North Linus Agent | Brunswick, Ga. March 20th 1868 Transmits Acknowledgement of Check in favor of Anthony Wilson Acknowledges receipt of Check for $109.16 in payment of Feb. voucher. | E A Ware Supt. Ed. | Office Asst Comr BRF & AL Atlanta Ga Mar. 24th 1868 Respectfully referred to E A Ware Supt. of Education By order of Bvt. Brig. Gen. Sibley Lieut. & AAAG. |

| April 3rd 1868 | Nolan Geo. M. Agent Forwd to Maj. Gen Howard Comr. Apl 13th 1868 | McDonough Ga March 31st 1868 Transmits Returns of Bu. Stores for month of March, 1868 Also quarterly statement. Report of Persons & Articles hired, Transportation acct with vouchers & Pay acct. for March 1868 Also Postage acct. for quarter ending Mch. 31st 1868 | C T Watson AAQM & DO | Office A Comr BRF & AL Atlanta Ga Apl 4th 1868 Respectfully referred to C T Watson AAQM & DO. By order of Bvt Brig Gen Sibley Lieut. & AAAG. |