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Office Sub com'r Freedmen
Brookhaven Miss March 22d 1866

Lt. Stuart Eldridge}
A.A.A. General}

You wished me to report how many Buildings I occupy, when rented or otherwise.  At present I occupy only one room, a very good one situated in the back part of a vacant store. The owner very kindly allows me to occupy this without paying rent. I have been in Town now about eight months, and have rented an office only two months of the time, said rent to be at the rate of Six dollars pr month. I attempted to get this rent for the person of whom I rented through the Q. Masters Dept. but of course failed. As he was was very kind in letting the teachers (Ladyes from the north) have the same building after I left it without charge, I concluded to pay the ($12) twelve dollars for the two months that I occupyed it, as he sayd, as he sayd all that he cared for was to get enough to pay the taxes & run the risk of getting my money back through F Bureau. This I considered no more than just as the building could have been rented for ten dollars pr month for the season through.

I then presented vouchers for the same to Lt Col Geo D Reynolds for payment and he directed me to embody the account as incidental Office expenses in a certain itemised account that I was ordered to make out by Special Orders No. 8. dated Office A.A.Com. B.F.& A.L. Southern District Miss Natchez Miss Feb 13th 1866 

My vouchers when completed amounted to one hundred and eight dollars ($108) every cent of which was advanced out of my own private funds, I did not like to do it, but the