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NARA 167

State of Miss
Richard Bryant

Testimony of R A Hart, who testified as follows To Wit

By the court, Dou you know the defendant Richard Bryant I do, know him, 
how long have you known him, about twenty five years,
What is his character, answer Bad,
Do you know anything about his Domestic relations, I do

Please state what you know about this man Richard Bryant and this woman Louisa. Answer, He left her just before the close of the war and went to the Federals and was gone about two years, I saw him soon after his return and was in conversation with him about Louisa he told me she had had a child since he left and could not stand such as that and that he was not going to support other peoples children and did not intend to have any thing more to do with her, she should go and do the best she could and make a living if she could.

Sworn to and Subscribed before this 27th June AD 1867
G A Bilby JP

R A Hart