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Transcription: [00:32:22]
{Unknown Speaker}
{SPEAKER name="Anne Goodyear"}

{Unknown Speaker}
And there are portraits in this museum of other presidents--
{SPEAKER name="Anne Goodyear"}

{Unknown Speaker}
--through very great crisised times--
{SPEAKER name="Anne Goodyear"}

{Unknown Speaker}
--you see questionably portrayed.
Do you think this makes an important program for this museum?

To see that this president - he gets recorded at a serial time, over the next - 4 years at least?

{SPEAKER name="Anne Goodyear"}
I think it would be an extraordinary thing to do.

I think it would be an extraordinary thing to do.

And I think, um, I think one of the things we would have to figure out -

again, this balance between the ideal and the practical

- we would have to figure out how do we fund that?
How do we make that possible?

But I think it would be a fascinating thing to do.

I really do. And, um, so yeah. Thank you - I, I hope that one way or another,

we will have a way to record the changes

onto this leader over time. So thank you so much.

Thank you all for your time and attention. I appreciate it.

Transcription Notes:
(Tentatively) added the "mm-hmms" because they seem to significantly break up the sentences (ADMIN RESPONSE: thank you for including them. These transcripts are for accessibility and should reflect the exact content of the audio)