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Transcription: [00:02:19]
{SPEAKER name="Alec Soth"}
But I've had this, you know - because I've been working on this

I've had just a real desire to do, you know, to explore the opposite.

and um, and it's also something that's just on my mind - as the wall text, kind of, might allude to, I think

uhh, a little bit, but it doesn't--

Uh, when I was in— I went to Sarah Lawrence College, uh, which is you know, a real, uh,

you know, uh, how do I say it? - you know, sort of artsy-fartsy, you know,

East Coast - but we're on the East Coast, so I won't say that - school. Uh,

but, and we had a copy of this book by Garry Winogrand called 'Women are Beautiful' and,

and I couldn't believe that this book hadn't been burned, you know, it was, 'cause it's really, uh, not politically correct.

And over the years I've thought about that book - and I hadn't seen it - and, uh,

and I thought - well maybe, you know, he was on to something,

uh, maybe he's just being honest.

And I recently got my hands on this book, and it's, it is that, it is honest, but it also

not the greatest book in the world, at all.

uh, but I thought can I put together an exhibition just of portraits of women, that

acceptable as a theme, it seems stupid, somehow, but I gave it a shot

and and this is what I came up with, and it really represents

um, all these different lives of photography that I get to lead

um, probably the earliest picture in here is this one,

uh, which is from 2000, so I, the first body of work that I did that got exposure

was something called "Sleeping by the Mississippi"

and this is a series of photographs made along the Mississippi River over the course of several years

a number of trips. Incidentally I'm on a road trip right now as we speak

uh, and we just started in Minneapolis, drove to Philadelphia where I gave a lecture, I'm here, I'm going down to Savannah, and I'm working my way around

and this is my absolute favorite time of year to travel.

'Cause I just love the kind of cold in the North and blossoming in the South

and I, with sleeping by the Mississippi, I always tried to travel at that time of year

um, and a side effect of that was that - all this sort of you know, Easter/Lenten kind of material was coming up in the South

so, this picture is in, uh, Ash Wednesday, you know, the day after Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

The funny little story behind the picture is that, um,

so, you know it's the next day, and everyone is tired and hung over, and I asked if could take her picture

and she says, "yeah, will you buy me a beer?" and I, well, that doesn't really go with the whole Ash Wednesday thing

[[laughter]] and, oh she said "oh, cigarette ashes, they're not, it's not real, they're not real ashes"

so, [[laughter]] um, and another funny story about her is that on this, "crazy bearded guy in the woods" project

I, I was at a commune in outside of Austin, Texas, and she had just been there, cause I, sometimes I bring along copies of my books to show people

and they, "we know her, she was just here" it was just crazy, cause her name is Adelyn, she didn't have an address, so I never could send her a picture

but it's, her last name is like Shockadelicka [[laughter]]
