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Transcription: [00:06:13]
So that's one of the earliest, and that was done entirely when I was in my own world of just making my own pictures.

There was no audience. There was never an expectation that it was gonna be at the national portrait gallery or any of that.

Things really changed after this body of work, cause it made it out into the world,

and all of a sudden I had all sorts of new opportunities.

And I, you know, I worked at an art museum for seven years as part of the in-house photography staff.

And I had to leave that job and figure out what I was gonna do.

And, you know, there was the option of teaching.

And- But somehow, you know, I wanted to keep travelling, keep moving

And so doing- being a working photographer seemed like a good, you know, option.

I could use this attention from the art world to try and do that.

So I started taking, kinda, every assignment that came along, in the beginning.

And one of the assignments was for Entertainment Weekly.

Okay, and it was, you know I was, the author of the newest version of The Godfather. Okay?

So this is not a real high level assignment.

So I went to Tallahassee to take his picture.

And the picture's terrible, I mean it's really, really bad.

But when I was in Tallahassee, my assistant and I went to this diner

And this picture was made. And a big change happened photographically for me, sort of between this time and this time,

which is that, I reall-, you don't see it here but a lot of the pictures in Sleeping by the Mississippi were quite complicated,

lots of things happening in them.

And I really got tired of that, and I started simplifying pictures around this time

So, you know, I had a-, We had time to kill. I had a couple hours til my shoot, I'm having lunch.

She walks in with her father,

and he's wearing fatigues. She's got this red hair.

And they're eating here and they have just piles of like, you know, fried chickens, you know, and Southern cooking.

And- So I set up my camera. I use often a large format camera, sort of a dark cloth over the head

So it becomes quite a scene in a restaurant.

Everyone's very aware of me.

And then eventually I realize the father is kind of a distraction. Take him out.

I thought the food was good, but then I realized it wasn't. I take the food out.

And what's happening here is that, you know, ten minutes have passed,

and she's as bored as could be, you know.

But she has to stay still, because the other thing about this camera is that it's a very limited focus area,

so you'll notice that, you know, her eye is in focus, her shoulder is not.

Even her mouth is out of focus, so it's just a-

there's a little plane of focus that's between her eye and this tablecloth,

and so she has to stay there

And- So she's, you know, probably falling asleep.

But hopefully that's not how you read the picture.

You read it as this sort of dreamy picture.