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Transcription: [00:21:38]

This is uh, it's one of my favorite stories behind a picture and it shows yet another kind of photography. So, this woman, Stacy Backer, uh, I never met before. And She called me, she's from Texas, and she called me and said-asked if I could photograph her parents in Texas, and y'know, I saw dollar signs, y'know, it was like wealthy-Texas-like-oil family, y'know i'm gonna do this commission portrait, and um- I fly down and she picks me up, and she's not wealthy at all. I mean, she's fairly, y'know she's uh, uh, uh, she's a lawyer, but a lawyer for low-income people and what-not she just loves, y'know was falling in love with photography, loves her parents. Brought me down, we're driving in the car and I'm quickly realizing this and, and it's very foggy which is quite unusual for Texas, and I'm a sucker for fog, whenever I see it, and she's kinda incredibly looking, and, uh, I gotta take your picture, and I took a picture of her quickly, I-I was afraid the fog was going to burn off. Took one by the side of the road and then we went to her parents farm, and they have a sheep farm, um, I photographed, y'know her there, like that was my mission and of course I took the picture of her parents and all of that, and we had this great experience, but it's the rest of the story which I love. she- y'know I think it was a kind of magical experience for her too. i mean I love this picture, it's been exhibited a ton, and she really got interested in photography then, she left her job as a lawyer and went to to the main photographic workshops took classes and what not, eventually not only becomes a photographer but becomes a photo editor at the New York Times Magazine [gasp], which is probably the highest level photo editing job you can have. Um, and I was just told, y'know Brandon told me, she was here, I mean she was in D.C. she saw the picture here because she was doing the uh- Obama's people shoot for the New York Times Magazine and uh y'know she has this whole other life in photography which is just incredible and it's this kind of serendipity that I love.


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