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{SPEAKER name="Warren Perry"}
Welcome everybody, my name is Warren Perry and I'm a researcher for the Catalogue of American Portraits

and we're very glad to see you here on this, Elvis's 74th birthday.

The latest news I understand out of Memphis is that Priscilla Beaulieu Presley showed up

at the Memphis State Marshall game last night and announced

an additional scholarship to the University of Memphis — or Memphis State, it was Memphis State when I went there — and

she announced an additional scholarship to the University from the Elvis Presley Foundation.

Elvis ehh -- It was 1977 when Elvis passed away and

you might think the Elvis news stops, but it never stops [[faint laughter]] it keeps on going.

I wanna talk first about the portrait, then talk briefly about Elvis' life, and about his records, his movies, and then

I wanna talk lastly about charity - Elvis and charity - and then I wanna hit briefly on Elvis and Elvis literature.

First of all, the gentleman who painted this portrait is Ralph Wolfe Cowan. Ralph is still alive; he's very much with us.

He used to have a studio across the street from the Portrait Gallery and when I spoke with him a couple years ago,

he said, he never dreamed he would have a portrait in the National Portrait Gallery and to

and to him, this is certainly one of his greatest accomplishments, although,

he has many other great accomplishments as an artist.

I have a small vitae of him here. One of the most impressive things about the artist is - not many people know this about Ralph -

but Mr. Cowan is considered to be the number one portrait painter in the world,

and he's been recognized for painting more reigning monarchs and world leaders than anyone in history.

And I think I have a shorts list -- actually it's a long list [[faint laughter]] -- of people he's painted.

This top section alone is the royalty and the dignitaries and we see people on here -

like Lyndon B. Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Princess Grace and Prince Albert of Monaco,

Prince Ernst and Princess Caroline, Princess Stephanie of Monaco, the Sultan of Brunei,

King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, Pope John Paul II, Prince Rainier of Monaco -

i-it goes on and on; it's truly an amazing list.

The portraits are big, and they have elements of — i-in literature they call it magical realism.

There're these -- they have these huge fantasy elements about them.

You see President Reagan and President Kennedy there, and Nancy Reagan right there in this looong flowing

{SPEAKER name="Audience Question"}
Are these commissioned, ones? Or ones he just decided to do?

{SPEAKER name="Warren Perry"}
These are all commissioned. He goes in and he sits with these people.

{SPEAKER name="Audience Question"}
Oh, OK. Mm-hmm.

{SPEAKER name="Warren Perry"}
He actually had an audience with the Pope here in Washington, D.C., briefly, years ago.

He's met every one of these people and because these people have a limited amount of time on their hands,

typically, he makes a few sketches and then what he does is

take a few photos, he consults with them a few times. But yes,

it's a, very much a for-profit enterprise and he is very much recognized in those- in those

higher, higher levels as, as the painter, the one you go to.

There's a, there's a picture in here I believe of