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Transcription: [00:12:24]
{SPEAKER name="Ellen Miles"}
No, I think that was her name. Yeah. Dolley Payne Todd Madison.


Was she related to the Todd family of Marymount?

{SPEAKER name="Ellen Miles"}
She was married to. I think that Todd was her first husband who died. And she was Payne. That was her maiden name. She was a Quaker from a Quaker family in Virginia.


Was she friends at all with Elizabeth Kortright Monroe?

{SPEAKER name="Ellen Miles"}
Um. I don't know because the Monroes at this time I think were in Paris. I don't know. I know she was more friends with Mrs. Thornton and a lot of the people who were in Washington under Jefferson's administration. About the Monroes I off-hand do not know.

There's wonderful material about her. Her letters have been published recently. Fairly recently. There's a book about women in political society that's been published talking about her role and really establishing the way a democratic government would work in the new capitol because Jefferson of course was not married,

so the whole idea of having receptions at the White House was not something that, well she did that apparently served as his hostess, but she was really the one, the Madison's were the one that opened up the White House in a more formal way to regular receptions. Just the way Martha Washington had done in Philadelphia.

{SPEAKER name="Ellen Miles"}
Well thank you all for coming. Come back to the rest of the first ladies later on. Thanks. [[applause]]



{SPEAKER name="Ellen Miles"}
No this is, this you, this, these are fake curls tucked under her turban. Because she was 80. So the dark brown curls are something that has been added. By her. Thank you.