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Transcription: [00:14:41]
{SPEAKER name="Carolyn Carr"}

and go to college and there she studied mathematics.

and when she left Germany she went to Venezuela and worked for an insurance company.

And then obviously she experienced some life changing event, she came to the United States in about 2001.

And she decided that she wanted to be a photographer.

She went to the Rhode island school of design and she now teaches at the University of Connecticut which currently has a branch in New Haven.

And she lives in Brooklyn and she commutes back and forth.

And erm, teaching three days a week.

So I said what lead you to photography?

And she said "well, I grew up being surrounded by visual images, may father was a film maker in Spain"

And I think that tells you a lot about her photography because there is this sense almost of a film still that something else is about to transpire in the work.

So erm, that's what I have to say.

I would be perfectly, what do you?, what else are your comments about the piece?

[[inaudible audience member]]