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Thomas S. Jerome, Agent $319.00
To Villa Anderson, Capri
For this amount to credit Villa Anderson and bring into the account of T.S. Jerome Agent, the amount of voucher 80 Dec 1900 which is in payment of the balance due on disbursements made by him to Dec 21, 1900 per detailed statements attached hereto.
1721.45 lire = $31900

To T S Jerome, Agent
This entry is made to credit T.S. Jerome Agent with amounts disbursed by him for account of Villa Anderson and other purposes to Dec 21, 1900, per detailed statement attached hereto
Disbursed to Duty per statement 20159.76 lire = $3,730.08 expenditures of which were as follows:

Paid to Alberto White on Dec 20, 1900 for Japanese Books sent to C. L. Freer Detroit 200 lire = 37.00

Foreign Travels
Pair a/c Alberto White 1700 lire and C. L. Freer 500 lire both of which amounts however were subsequently returned by Mr Freer at Naples on Oct 2, 1900 from Foreign Travels - See second entry
2200. lire = $407.00

Personal Expenses
Paid for C. L. Freers subscription to new organ for Capri cathedral 300. lire
and for green photographs sent E W Freer  21 lire
321 lire = 5938

Villa Anderson Capri
Pair miscellaneous charges account of the villa, per detailed statement
14,438.76 lire = $322670

Transcription Notes:
For the first [[?]], I think it may be "afronden" which means to round up in Dutch. But not sure why it would have any Dutch words.