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C. S. WIGHT, Manager Freight Traffic  BALTIMORE MD.
C. E. WAYS, Gen'l Freight Agent  BALTIMORE MD.
ROBERT B. WAYS, Foreign Freight Agent  BALTIMORE MD.

Joh. Heckemann, Agent for Bremen Through Traffic
Forwarding Merchant, Bremen and Hamburg.



Through Freight from Bremen to Detroit
0.95 cubic meter at $7.50 per cub. m. $ 7:13 cts.
>   :   >
>   :   >
lbs. at per 100 lbs.  >   :   >
Primage %  > : >
Disbursement > 4:71 >
Gross Weight lbs. Total $ 11:84 cts.

Gold Dollars

Printed by H. M. Hauschild, Bremen.

in connection with the Norddeutscher Lloyd.

Received in apparent good order and condition by the Norddeutscher Lloyd from Joh. Heckemann to be transported by the steamer, Frankfurt whereof is Master for the present Voyage Malehow or whoever else may go as Master in the said Ship and now lying in the river Weser and bound for Baltimore

3 cases China 188 lbs.

being marked and numbered as in the margin and are to be delivered in the like good order and well conditioned at the aforesaid Port of BALTIMORE.

(The Act of God, Enemies, Pirates, Thieves, Robbers, Restraints of Princes, Rulers and People, Vermin, Jettison, Barratry, Collision, Explosion, Risk of Craft, Fire at Sea, or on Shore in Hulk or Craft, Accidents from Machinery, Explosion, Bursting of Boilers, Breakage of Shafts, or any latent Defect in Hulk, Machinery or appurtenances, even existing at the time of shipment, or sailing on the voyage, provided the owners have used due diligence to make the vessel seaworthy, Steam or any other Accidents of the Seas, Rivers and Steam Navigation or Land transit of whatever nature or kind soever or any Act, Neglect or Default whatsoever of the Pilot, Master, Mariners, Engineers or others of the crew in navigating the ship being excepted, with liberty, in the event of the said Steamer putting back into any other port or otherwise being prevented from any cause from proceeding in the ordinary course of her voyage, to tranship the goods by any other Steamer and with liberty to sail with or without Pilots, to call at any intermediate port and to tow and assist Vessels in all situations, the company being in no way whatsoever liable for any consequences arising from the causes above excepted. It is mutually agreed, that the ship is warranted seawerthy only to the extent that the owners shall exercise due deligence to make it so. If the owner of the steamer shall have exercised due diligence to make said steamer in all respects seaworthy and properly manned equipped and supplied, it is hereby agreed that in case of danger, damage or disaster resulting from fault or negligence of the master or crew in the navigation or management of the steamer or from latent or other defects, or unseaworthiness of the steamer, whether existing at time of shipment or at the beginning of the voyage, but not discoverable by due diligence, the consignees or owners of the cargo shall not to be exempted from liability for contribution in General Average, but with the shipowner, shall contribute in General Average as if such danger, damage or disaster had not resulted from such fault, negligence, latent or other defects or unseaworthiness. It is also mutually agreed, that this shipment is subject to all the terms and provisions of, and all the extemptions from, liability contained in the Act of Congress of the United States, approved on the 13th day of February, 1893, and entitled, "An Act relating to the navigation of vessels, etc.")

unto the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company Rob. B. Ways, Foreign Freight Agent, and to be forwarded thence per Railroad or other conveyance (at the expense of the BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD, but at the risk of Shippers and Consignees), to the Station nearest to Detroit Mich and at the said Station delivered unto Mr. Charles L. Freer or to his or their Assigns he or they paying Freight and Charges as per margin in Cash with average accustomed. General Average, if any, payable according to York and Antwerp Rules of 1890 and fault of Master or Crew in the navigation or management of the ship will not liberate the Consignees from contributing their proportion in General Average. Passengers effects, if any, not to contribute in General Average, but claims for passengers effects sacrificed to be allowed in General Average, less their proper contribution in such case. In Witness whereof the Master of the said Ship has affirmed to two Bills of Lading, all of this Tenor and Date, the one of which Bills being accomplished the others to stand void.

Weight, Gauge, Contents, Marks and Numbers and Value unknown and not answerable for Damage, Leakage, Breakage, Corruption, Rust or torn wrappers. The goods to be taken from alongside by the Consignee immediately the vessel is ready to discharge, or otherwise they will be landed and deposited at the expense of the Consignee and at the risk in the Warehouse provided for that purpose on the Steam Ship Wharf at Hoboken or send to the Public Store as the Collector of the Port of New York shall direct, and when deposited in the Warehouse, to be subject to Storage, the Collector of the Port being hereby authorized to grant a general order for the discharge immediately after entry of the ship. Not accountable for any Sum exceeding M 2000.- per package, for goods of whatever description, nor for any amount in respect of Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewellery, precious Stones or Metals, Paintings, Statuary, or any other valuable Goods of whatever description, unless the value of such be herein expressed and freight as may be agreed paid thereon. Parcels for different consignees, collected and made up in single packages, addressed to one party for delivery in America, for the purpose of evading payment of freight, will upon examination in Baltimore by the Customs, be charged with the proper freight on each parcel. The Company's responsibility ceasing when the goods leave the ship.

The Ship is not answerable for damage arising through insufficiency in strength of packages.

The highest Rate of Freight will be charged on all goods, incorrectly described, either as to contents, weight or quantity.

Oil of Vitriol, inflammable Matches, Gun Powder and all other articles of a dangerous, inflammable or explosive Nature are strictly excluded from shipment by these Vessels; in the event of such articles being shipped by these ships, the Shippers of such goods to be answerable for all and every consequences arising from such Shipment; and the Owners of the Steamers to have a Lien on such goods in case of any Loss or Damage having been caused by them.

In case of blockade or interdict of the port of discharge, or if without such blockade or interdict the entering of or discharging in the port shall be considered by the master unsafe by reason of war or disturbance, or ice, or from any other cause, the master may land the goods at any other port which he may consider safe, at the expense and risk of the owner of the goods. The master to have the right of accomplishing this bill of lading at any other port which he may consider safe.

In accepting this Bill of Landing the shipper(s) agree(s) that all questions arising under the same shall be construed according to the laws of the Empire of Germany as administered in Germany.

Dated in Bremen, the 31st day of July 1901
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co.
pp. Joh. Heckemann
G. Mgr Agent.