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Merchants Despatch Transportation Co.
NEW YORK:........ 65 Broadway.
BOSTON:........ 43 Franklin Street.
PHILADELPHIA:........119 South Fourth Street.
CHICAGO:........ 78 Monroe Street.
PARIS:........ 11 Rue Scribe. 47 Rue des Petites Ecuries.
HAVRE:........ 47 Quai d' Orleans.
LONDON:........ 3 Waterloo Place. 8 Love Lane.
LIVERPOOL:........ 10 James Street.
SOUTHAMPTON:........ 3 Canute Road.
HAMBURG:........ 11 Schmiede Strasse.
BREMEN:........ 6 Bahnhof Strasse.

In order that prompt Customs Entry may be made, the following documents must be mailed to the MERCHANTS DESPATCH TRANSPORTATION COMPANY at the United States Seaport through which goods are consigned, so as to reach the Company not later than the date of arrival of steamer carrying the goods.
Goods Destined to Points in the United States.
One Bill of Lading and Two Certified (Consular) Invoices. If Value of Shipment is $100 or Over.
One Bill of Lading and Two Plain Copies of Invoices. If Value of Shipment is Less than $100.
Goods Destined to Points in Canada.
One Bill of Lading and Two Plain Copies of Invoices. Regardless of Value.
The Merchants Despatch Transportation Company will not be responsible for detention or extra expenses caused by the non-receipt of above described documents in due season.

In Bond to Detroit Mich.
159 - 1 case.


Through Freight from to cubic ft. in. at per ton 40 cubic ft. " " " " " 40 " " Cubic Meters at per Cubic Meter " " " " " " Kilos at per 1000 Kilos 
Tons. Cwt. Qrs. Lbs.
At per ton of 2240 lbs.


Merchants Despatch Transportation Company.
To all Points in the United States and Canada.
Shipped, in apparent good order and condition, by AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. to be forwarded by steamship Gascogne now lying in the port of Havre. and bound for [[?]] with liberty to call at any port for any purpose:
one case merchandise
being marked and numbered as per margin, and to be delivered in like good order and condition at the port of [[?]] (or as near thereto as said ship may safely get) unto the MERCHANTS DESPATCH TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, and by them to be forwarded to the station nearest to Detroit Mich. and at the aforesaid station to be delivered unto Mr. Charles L. Freer or to his or their assigns. Freight and charges for said goods to be paid in cash immediately on delivery, without any allowance of credit, or discount, at the rate per margin and pro-rata for any excess that may be found, with primage and average accustomed, at the current rate of exchange for bankers' bills at sight on London, on the day of the ship's entry at the Custom House. General average to be adjusted according to the rules of the port of destination unless otherwise provided in the Bill of Lading issued by the ship. Fault of master or crew in the navigation or management of the ship will not liberate the consignees from contributing their proportion in general average.
In consideration of the rate of freight herein named, it is hereby stipulated that the service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to the conditions, whether printed or written, herein contained, and said conditions are hereby agreed to by the shipper and by him accepted for himself and his assigns as just and reasonable.
With respect to the service UNTIL DELIVERY at the port of New York or Boston, it is agreed that:
1. The ship shall have liberty to sail with or without pilots, to tow and assist vessels in all situations, to deviate for the purpose of saving life or property; that the carriers shall have liberty to convey goods in lighters to and from the ship at the risk of the owner of the goods, and in case the ship shall put into a port of refuge, or be prevented from any cause from proceeding in the ordinary course of her voyage, to tranship the goods to their destination by another vessel.
2. The carriers shall not be liable for loss or damage occasioned by causes beyond their control; by the perils of the sea, or other waters; by [[?]] from any cause or wheresoever occurring; by barratry of the master or crew; by enemies, pirates, thieves or robbers; by arrest and restraint of princes, rulers or people, riots, strikes, lockouts, or stoppage of labor; by steam, explosion, bursting of boilers, machinery (including consequence of damage thereto); breakage of shafts or any latent defect in hull or machinery, or appurtenances; by collisions, stranding, straining, or other accidents of navigation, of whatsoever kind (even when occasioned by the negligence, default or error in judgment of the pilot, master, mariners, engineers, crew, stevedores, or other servants of the shipowner, not resulting, however, in any case, from want of due diligence by the owners of the ship or any of them, or by the ship's husband or manager), or by unseaworthiness of the ship at the time of shipment, or the commencement or any period of the voyage, (provided the owners have exercised due diligence to make the vessel seaworthy); nor by decay, heating, jettison, putrefaction, rust, frost, rain, spray, stowage, or contact with, or smell, or emanation from other goods, sweat, change of character, shrinkage, drainage, leakage, breakage, pilferage, wastage, damage done by rats or other vermin, or any loss or damage arising from the nature of the goods, or the insufficiency of packages or wrappers, in size, strength, or otherwise; nor for land damage; nor for the obliteration, errors, insufficiency, or absence of marks, brands or numbers, address or description; nor for risk of craft, hulk or transhipment; nor for any loss or damage caused by the prolongation of the voyage.
3. Weight, measure, gauge, condition, quantity, brand, contents, quality and value unknown, and the carriers not accountable for same.
4. The carriers shall not be liable to any extent for gold or silver bullion, specie, precious metals, manufactured or unmanufactured, plated articles, glass, china, jewelry, articles used for jewelry, precious stones, trinkets, watches, timepieces, mosaics, bills, bank notes of any country, orders, notes or securities for payment of money, stamps, maps, letters, writings, title deeds, paintings, engravings, pictures, embroideries, perfumeries, statuary, works of art, quinine, silks, furs, lace, cashmere, manufactured or unmanufactured, made up into clothes, or otherwise contained in any parcel or package, or for goods of any description which are above the value of $25.00 per cubic foot, and in no care are the carriers to be liable beyond $500.00 per package, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, with the value therein expressed, and aspecial agreement is made and extra freight paid.
5. Shippers shall be liable for any loss or damage to ship or cargo caused by inflammable, explosive, or dangerous goods, shipped without full disclosure of their nature, whether such shipper be principal or agent, and such goods may be thrown overboard or destroyed at the time without compensation.
6. The carriers shall not be liable for any claim for loss, short delivery, damage, or detention of goods, unless the grounds of claim shall wholly arise while the goods are in the actual custody of the carriers; nor are the carriers in any case liable beyond the invoice or declared value of the goods, whichever shall be least. It is expressly stipulated that the goods and merchandise mentioned in this bill of lading whilst being transhipped or awaiting shipment on any quay or lighter wheresoever, and also so soon as they are discharged over the ship's side, shall be at the sole risk of the shipper or owner. Goods which may require to be forwarded by rail, steamship, lighter, or otherwise to their port of shipment, or to their destination from the ship's port of discharge, shall be so forwarded at owner's risk, subject to the ordinary conditions of carriage of such railway, steamship, or other carrier, or subject to any special terms required by them. The carriers shall not be liable for loss, detriment, or damage to goods capable of being insured, and if liable to have the full benefit of any insurance on the goods.

7. All fines, expenses, loss, or damage which the carriers, their agents, or servants, of the ship or cargo may incur or suffer on account of incorrect or insufficient markings of the packages, or description of their contents or the dangerous nature of such contents shall be paid by the shipper or consignee as may be required, and the carriers shall have a lien upon the goods for the payment thereof. Furthermore all charges or expenses incurred through non-compliance with customs requirements will be charged to shipper, owner, or consignee.

8. In case the ship shall be prevented from reaching her destination by quarantine, the carriers may discharge the goods into any depot or lazaretto, hulk, lighter or other vessel necessary for the ship's despatch, at the consignee's risk and expense, or the master to have the option, and he is hereby authorized to land at or carry on the cargo to the nearest port to which vessel is bound, and such discharge shall be deemed a final delivery under this contract, and all the expenses thereby incurred on the goods shall be lien thereon. 

9. In case the whole or any part of the goods specified herein be prevented by any cause from going in said steamer, the carriers are not to be under any liability if they forward goods by succeeding steamers.

10. The only conditions on which glass, earthenware, or china will be carried is, that the carriers shall not be held liable for any loss or injury which may occur whether from negligence or any other cause whatever.

11. The carriers shall have a lien on the goods for all freight, demurrage, damages, for detention, primage and charges, including land and water transport, charges incurred before shipment, and for general average claims.

12. Full freight is payable on damaged or unsound goods and on goods diminshed by leakage; but no freight is due on any increase in bulk or weight caused by the absorption of water during the voyage.

13. The carriers to be at liberty to have the goods weighed or measured, either at port of lading or unlading, or at destination, at the expense of the owners of the goods; and should the weight or measure thus ascertaqined exceed thew eight or measure entered in the bill of lading, freight to be paid upon excess weight or measure.

14. If on sale of the goods at destination for freight and charges, the proceeds fail to cover said freight and charges, the carriers shall be entitled to recover the difference from the shipper or consignee.

15. The freight prepaid will not be returned, ship or goods lost or not lost.

16. The highest rate of freight will be charged on all goods incorrectly described, either as to contents, weight or quality.

17. This bill of lading, duly endorsed, to be given in exchanged for delivery order.

18. Freight on goods to order, liquids, and brittle or perishable goods, payable by shippers, if required.

19. Goods once received for shipment cannot be taken away by the shipper except upon payment of the full freight, damages and expenses sustained by the ship or cargo, through such taking away.

20. In consideration of the through rate of freight herein named and when the inland tariff provides for a lower rate when released, the carriers, as agents of the shipper or owner of the goods, are herby authorized to sign such release and relieve the carriers from all liability for loss or damage in transit, and to forward the goods at owner's risk.

21. Parcels for different consignees, collected or made in single packages, addressed to one consignee, pay full freight on each parcel.

With respect to the service AFTER DELIVERY at the port of New York or Boston, it is agreed that :

1. No carrier or party in possession of all or any of the property herein described, shall be liable for any loss thereof or damage thereto, by causes beyond its control; or by floods or by fire; or by riots, strikes or stoppage of labor; or by leakage, breakage, chafing, loss in weight, changes to weather, heat, frost, we or decay; or from any cause if it be necessary or is usual to carry such property upon open cars.

2. No carrier is bound to carry said property by any particular train or vessel, or in time for any particular market, or otherwise than with as reasonable despatch as its general business will permit. Every carrier shall have the right, in case of necessity, to forward said property by any railroad or route between the point of shipment and the point to which the rate is given.

3. No carrier shall be liable for loss or damage not occurring on its own road or its portion of the through route, nor after said property is ready for delivery to the next carrier or to consignee. The amount of any loss or damage for which any carrier becomes liable shall be computed tat the value of the property at the place and time of shipment under this bill of lading, unless a lower value has been agreed upon or is determined by the classification upon which the rate is based, in either of which events such lower value shall be the maximum price to govern such computation. Claims for loss or damage must be made in writing to the agent at point of delivery promptly after arrival of the property, and if delayed for more than thirty days after the delivery of the property, or after due time for the delivery thereof, no carrier hereunder shall be liable in any event. Any carrier or party liable on account of less or of damage to any of said property, shall have the full benefit of any insurance that may have been effected upon or on account of said property.

4. All property shall be subject to necessary cooperage and baling at owner's cost. Each carrier over whose route Cotton is to be carried hereunder, shall have the privilege, at tits own cost, of compressing the same for greater convenience in handling and forwarding, and shall not be held responsible for deviation or unavoidable delays in procuring such compression. G
rain in bulk consigned to a point where there is an elevator may (unless otherwise expressly noted herein, and then if it is not promptly unloaded) be there delivered, and placed with other grain of same kind, without respect to ownership, and if so delivered shall be subject to a lien for elevator charges in addition to all other charges hereunder. No carrier with shall be liable for differences in weight or shrinkage of any grain or seed carried in bulk.

5. Property not removed by the person or party entitled to receive it within twenty-four hours after its arrival at destination, may be kept in the car, depot, or place of delivery of the carrier, at the sole risk of owner of said property, or may be, at the option of the carrier, removed and otherwise stored at the owner's risk and cost, and there held subject to lien for all freight and other charges. The delivering carrier may make a reasonable charge per day for the detention of any vessel or car and for sue of track after the car has been forty-eight hours for unloading, and may add such charge to all other charges thereunder, and hold said property subject to a lien therefor. Property destined to or taken from a station at which there is no regularly appointed agent, shall be entirely at risk of owner when unloaded from cars, or until loaded into cars; and when received from or delivered on private or other sidings, shall be at owner's risk until the cars are attached to, and after they are detached from, trains.

6. No carrier hereunder will carry, or be liable in any way for, any documents, specie, or for any article of extraordinary value not specifically rated in the published classifications, unless a special agreement to do so, and a stipulated value of the articles are endorsed hereon.

7. Every part,  whether principal or agent, shipping inflammable, explosive, or dangerous goods, without previous full written disclosure to the carrier of their nature, shall be liable for all loss or damage caused thereby, and such goods may be warehoused at owner's risk and expense, or destroyed without compensation.

8. Any alteration, addition, or erasure in this bill of lading, which shall be made without the special notation hereon of the agent of the carrier issuing this bill of lading, shall be void.

9. If the word "order" is written hereon immediately before or after the name of the party to whose order the property is consigned, without any condition or limitation other than the name of a party to be notified of the arrival of the property, the surrender of this bill of lading, properly endorsed, shall be required before the delivery of the property at destination. If any other than the aforesaid from of consignment is used herein, the said property may, at the option of the carrier, be delivered without requiring the production or surrender of this bill of lading.

10. This contract is executed and accomplished, and all liability hereunder terminates on arrival of the property at destination; goods shipped in bond the terminal carrier is authorized to deliver the said property to the United States Customs Collector at destination, or to his order, which delivery shall be a good and complete delivery hereunder without regard to the form of consignment, and without requiring the surrender of the original bill of lading to the terminal carrier.

11. Owner of consignee shall pay freight at the rate within stated, and all other charges accruing on said property, before delivery, and according to weights as ascertained by any carrier hereunder; and if, upon inspection, it is ascertained that the articles shipped are not those described in this bill of lading, the freight charges must be paid upon the articles actually shipped, and at the rates and under the rules provided for by published classifications.

12. If all or any part of said property is carried by ware over any part of said route, such water carriage shall be performed subject to the conditions, whether printed or written, contained in this bill of lading, including the condition that no carrier or party shall be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the perils of the lakes, sea, or other waters; or from explosion, bursting of boilers, breakage of shafts, or any latent defect in hull, machinery, or appurtenances; or from collision, stranding, or other accidents of navigation; or from the prolongation of the voyage. And any vessel carrying any or all of the property herein described shall have liberty to call at intermediate ports; to tow and be towed, and to assist vessels in distress, and to deviate for the purpose of saving life or property.