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Amt bought forms 12971.75

The foregoing shows total 
purchases of £2915.17.0
Mr. Freer paid Mr. Whistler
in Paris in Oct 1894 which 
amount was charged to Foreign Travels and has not heretofore been taken into acct. £1,050.
and in London in 
June 1902 2,000. 3,050.0.0
Leaving overpayment to Mr Whistler, which amount will be deducted by him from some future settlement £ 134.3.0

Sheet No 2 showing payments to Wm Marchant Co London and H.S. Theobald Esq. London for works of Mr J McNeill Whistler:- 
From Wm Marchant Co June 20, 1902
1 Water Color "Une Plage" £160.0.0 = $792.00
Frt, Duty on frame re, say 8.00 800.00 [[checkmark]]

From HS Theobald Esq., June 3, 1902
31 Drawings in oil, water color pastel £3,000.0.0 = 14,82191
Frt, Duty on frames re, say 178.09 15.000.00 [[checkmark]]

Sheet No 3 showing payments to M. Tompkinson Esq., Kidderminster, England, May 30, 1902

For 19 Kakemono £ = 742.50
Frt, Duty re, say 7.50 750.00 [[checkmark]]

For 33 Drawings (original) of the Hundred Poets £ 150 = 742.50
Frt, Duty re, say 7.50 750.00 [[checkmark]]

Sheet No 4 showing payment to Mr. G. N. Stevens, Virginia Water, England on June 3, 1902

For 1 Oil Painting, Nocturne, Grey Silver, Chelsea Embarkment, Winter by Mr J McNeill Whistler for which Mr. Freer paid through Wm Marchant Co. £800. 3952.51
also their Commission on same 50. 247.50
Frt, Duty on Frame &c say 24.99 4,225.00 [[checkmark]]
