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China Traders' Insurance Company, Limited.

Subscribed Capital, $2,000,000
Paid-up, $ 600,000
RESERVE FUND, $ 900,000

A. Weston Esq
As well in his or their own Name, as for and in the Name and Names of all and every other Person or Persons to whom the same doth, may, or shall appertain, in part or in all; do make ASSURANCE, and hereby cause himself or themselves and them, and every of them, to be INSURED, lost or not lost, at an from

Yokohama to Detroit

including Risk of Boats to and from the Ship, upon Goods and Merchandise, or Treasure. of and in the good Ship or Vessel called the American [[tarn?]] $ Burthen Tons, or thereabouts, whereof is Master, under God, for this present voyage, & rail or whosoever else shall go for Master in the said Vessel, or by whatsoever other Name or Names the said Vessel, or the Master thereof, is or shall be named or called. BEGINNING the Adventure upon the said Goods or Merchandise whatsoever, from and immediately after the Landing thereof on board the said Vessel; and so to continue and endure, until the said Goods and Merchandise shall be discharged and safely landed at the aforesaid Port of Detroit And it shall be lawful for the said Vessel in this Voyage to proceed and sail to, and touch and stay at, any Ports, or Places whatsoever, (within the limits of the above Voyage,) for necessary Provisions, Assistance, or Repairs, without prejudice to this ASSURANCE: The said Goods and Merchandise laden thereon, for so much as concerns the ASSURED, by agreement between the ASSURED and the CHINA TRADERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, are and shall be rated and valued at DOLLARS 
Three Hundred
Declared to be on
AWD #29. - One case Curios So valued.

[[stamp]] ORIGINAL [[/stamp]]

[[note]] Warranted free of capture, seizure and detention, and the consequences thereof, or any attempt, threat, piracy excepted, and also from all consequences of riots, civil commotions, hostilities, pr warlike operations, whether before or after declaration of war [[/note]]

which shall be proved in case of Loss Average recoverable, Touching the Adventures and Perils which the aid CHINA TRADERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, are content to bear, and to take upon them in this Voyage: they are of the Seas, Men-of-War, Fire, Enemies, Pirates, Rovers, Thieves, Jettisons, Letters of Marque and Counter Marque, Surprisals, Takings at Sea, Arrest, Restraints and Detainments of all Kings, Princes, and People of what Nation, Condition, or Quality soever; Barratry of the Master and Mariners, and of all other Perils, Losses, and Misfortunes, that have or shall come to the Hurt, Detriment, or Damage of the aforesaid subject matter of this Insurance or any part thereof: AND in case of any Loss or Misfortune, it shall be lawful to the ASSURED, his or their Factors, Servants, and Assigns, to sue, labour, and travel for, in and about the Defence, Safeguard, and Recovery of the aforesaid subject matter of this Insurance or any part thereof, without Predjudice to this Assurance; to the Charges whereof. the said CHINA TRADERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, will contribute. AND it is agreed that this Writing or Policy of ASSURANCE shall be of as much Force and Virtue as the surest Writing or Policy of ASSURANCE made in LONDON. AND so the said CHINA TRADERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, are contented, and do hereby promise and bind themselves, and their Successors, to the ASSURED, his or their Executors, Administrators, or Assigns for the true Performance of the Premises; confessing themselves paid the consideration due unto them for this ASSURANCE, at and after the Rate of per Cent. AND FURTHER, the said CHINA TRADERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, DO HEREBY covenant, promise, and agree, and oblige themselves, in case of Loss happening, to satisfy and pay the Sum of Money by them so ASSURED in NEW YORK, at the Exchange of G$50 1/8 per $100 silver at the expiration of One Month after proof of Loss has been given to the Agent, JAMES W. HAYWARD, Esq. The adjustment of all Average Losses and other Matters, relating to this ASSURANCE, shall in like manner be made by the the said AGENT of the Company agreeably to the tenor of this Policy, and according to the established practice there in such cases. 

In Witness whereof, I, the AGENT for the CHINA TRADERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, have hereunto subscribed my Name in YOKOHAMA, this First Day of October One Thousand [[strikethrough]] Eight [[/strikethrough]] Nine Hundred and [[strikethrough]] Ninety [[/strikethrough]] Two to two Policies of the same tenor and date, one of which being accomplished, the other one to be void.

*Salt, Saltpetre, Sugar, Jagry, Rice, Corn, Flour, Grain, Pulse, Ghee, Seed, and Spirits, and other Liquor, are warranted free from Average under Ten per Cent; Tea and Silk warranted free from Average under Three per Cent., and all other Goods, together with the Vessel and Freight and Provisions, of all kinds, free of Average under Five per Cent., unless general or occasioned by the Vessel being stranded. All Risks or Losses arising from Detention, Seizure, or any Act or Acts of any Government within the acknowledged limits of its own Coasts in consequence of the Vessel being engaged in Illicit or Contraband Trade; -also from Gunpowder as cargo, War Risks, and Mutiny of Convicts are hereby excepted. 
This Company is not liable for loss arising from leakage, or breakage of or to any liquid or liquid package. 
Stranding or grounding in the Suez Canal not to be considered a stranding under this Policy. 
☞ In the event of damage occurring during the voyage, no claim for Average will be paid under this Policy, unless notice of same has been given to the Agent as per Margin previous to the survey, and certificate be signed by the Agents of the COMPANY, at the port of discharge, or their constituted Surveyor. 
Agent, NEW YORK.

K.V. Wo