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A. Weston, Shipping and Forwarding Agent

A. Weston,
Yokohama, Japan.
General Japan and China Coast Express
Agents in all the Principal Ports in the World. 
Landing and Delivering Agent for the Following Steamship Lines:
Shire Line; China Shippers' Mutual S. N. Co.; Ocean Line S. S. Co.; Ben Line S. S. Co.; Union Line S. S. Co.; California & Oriental S. S. Co.
Goods and Parcels Forwarded at Low Rates to All Parts of the World.
Yokohama, Sept. 26 1902
Received from B. Kobayashi
in good order and condition, the undermentioned Goods to be forwarded as under by (Route:) S.S. Coptic

[[5 column table]]
Consigned to. | Description of Packages, Etc. | Charges. | ¥ | Sen.
Mr. Frear.| Our Case | Freight from Yokohama | --- | ---
33 Ferry Av. | Said to contain, | to Detroit | --- | ---
Detroit. | screen | charges | --- | ---
Mich. | --- | --- | --- | ---
--- | --- | payable by Sundry | --- | ---

If not delivered, Consignee must apply to Mess Wells [[Hargo + Co.]] Detroit.

This receipt should be sent direct to consignee. 
A. Weston per [[?]]