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Dikran Khan Kelekian
Member of Jury for Paris Exposition, 1900
Rare Textiles, Potteries, Bronzes Jewels, Oriental Rugs, Babylonian Antiquities, Cyprus Glass, and Mss.

10 Rue Rossini

303 Fifth Avenue, N. Y., Corner 31st Street
Telephone, 2136 Madison Square

Premium Awarded in every branch at the Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893.

November 29 1902.

Charles L. Freer Esq.
33 Ferry Ave
Detroit Mich.

Dear Sir:-
I beg to inform you that the pieces which you kindly purchased have been shipped by express today, in order to reach you about the first of next month as you directed.
Enclosed herewith please find a bill for them.
Thanking you for your valued patronage and trusting to be favored with a continuance of the same, I remain
Yours very truly
Dikran Khan Kelekian

P.S. The small Egyptian head is wrapped in paper separately and put in the box.