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[[obscured]]INTINGS AND 
[[obscrued]]OR PRINTS


BOSTON, Dec. 5th 1902.

Ch. L Freer, Esq.,

Dear Sir
Your favor duly reached me, together with the three packages you kindly sent me by express; I am very much indebted to you. You say you expect Kakemono from San Francisco, but they are not Kakemono, but Gaku (frames). As to their price, I beg to say that it will be reduced by twenty per cent discount to you, if you will kindly take any of them, and at the same time humbly request you to take the trouble to forward by express things you do not want.
If you happen to come to Boston some day, you will kindly favor us with the honor of your call at our store, which I have started.
With my best thanks and compliments,
I remain, Dear Sir,
Yours truly
B. Kobayashi,