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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L. 
Office Sub Asst Comr 
Columbus Miss July 9. 1867. 

Preston Maj A.W. 
A.A.A.G. Bu R. And A.L.
Vicksburg Miss 


I have the honor to request transportation for Celia Harrison and her infant, and also for three abandoned children, their Mother having ran away and left them.
I would respectfully request your early consideration of the above.

In the case of the Freedwoman Celia Harrison it is very necessary that transportation should be furnished immediately, as she is in a pregnant condition and will probably be confined in the course of two weeks. 

Please do the kindness to furnish transportation for the above to Lauderdale Springs and forward to this office.
I have the honor also to respectfully call your attention to a communication from this office dated June 14th requesting transportation for a Freedwoman, Maria, to the Hospital at Lauderdale Springs. This woman is now laying in the jail at this place awaiting the arrival of transportation, and really suffering for want of Medical Treatment 

Very Respectfully, 
Your Obdt Servt 
(Signed) Wm H. Ross 
Agt Bu R.F. And A.L. 



Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A L. 
Office Sub Asst Comr 
Columbus July 9th 1867. 

Ware E.S.  
Police Magistrate 
West Point.


(In substance) You are requested to appear at this office on the 11th inst and answer charges preferred by Wm Nelson, Alfred and two daughters, Cheeney and Margaret. 

Yours &c 
(signed) W. H. Ross 
Agt Bu R.F. And A.L. 


Bureau Refugees. Freedmen. And A.L. 
Office Sub Asst Comr 
Columbus Miss July 9./67 

Preston Major A.W. 
A.A.A.G. Bu R.F. And A.L. 
Vicksburg Miss 


I have the honor to call your attention to numerous complaints charged against James Westbrook a Magistrate of West Point in this County.

My attention has been called this day to one very flagrant act of Westbrook in his official capacity.

On Saturday last Alfred Whitfield, a freedman was passing along on the street, when he was accosted by one Jim Shipman (white) and struck over the head and arms with an umbrella. Whitfield endeavored to hold the Umbrella and prevent Shipman from striking him, for this Whitfield was arrested and lodged in jail, where he remained until the following Monday, when he was brought up before the Justice Westbrook, and upon hearing the cause, the justice fined him fifteen dollars, which he demanded before releasing him

Not Sent

Transcription Notes:
removed table markings Table markings put back in: these are searchale projects & information in column 1 is the name of person/organization to whom letter is addressed; column 2 is the letter detail. Also removed extra blank lines to comply with "transcribe exactly what is written" instruction