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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L. 
Office Agent Sub Dist of Columbus 
Columbus Miss Sept 9. 1867.

Smith Lieut Col H.W
Asst Adjt Genl Bu R.F. & A.L.
Vicksburg Miss

I would respectfully call your attention to communication from this office dated Augt 17/67 transmitting Special Requisition for Stationery, and ask if it is a sufficient compliance with instruction contained in Circular No 11. Office Asst Commr. to entitle me to the same. 

I would also call your attention to communication from this office dated Augt 27/67 requesting a six months supply of Blancs. Many of the forms desired are entirely out at this office .

I have the honor to be Colonel
Your Very Ob'dt Servant 
Wm K White
Agent Bu R.F.&A.L.

L.B. 454 = 1867
L.B. 470 = 1867.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Agent Sub District of Columbus 
Columbus Miss Sept 9. 1867. 

Cunningham Lieut J.F. 
1st Lieut 24th U.S. Infty A.A.A. Genl Bu R.F.&A.L.
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of appointment as Agent Bureau &c 

I am Lieut
Very Respectfully
Your Ob'dt Servt
Wm K White
Agent Bu R.F.&A.L.

G. 83=F.B.D.C.=1867.


Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Agent Sub Dist of Columbus 
Columbus Miss Sept 9. 1867.

Smith Lieut Col H.W.
Asst Adj't Genl Bu R.F. and A.L.
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to request to be informed as to what expenses will be allowed to Agents in visiting Plantations & Schools in obedience to G.O. No 21, 23 & 30 from Office Asst Commr. 

In this connection I would respectfully state that expenses necessarily incurred for feed, lodgings ferryage & attending to my horse, in making these visits reduce my salary very much. 

I am Colonel
Very Respectfully 
Your Ob'dt Servt
Wm K. White
Agent Bu R.F.&A.L.


Bureau Refugees Freedman and A.L.
Office Sub Dist Columbus
Columbus Miss Sept 9. 1867.

Backenstose J. D. Esq
Aberdeen Miss

I send you this day per. Express Twenty Five ($25.) Dollars being amt of Voucher for July/67.

I also herewith transmit four copies Genl Order No 30. from office Asst Commr for distribution among the teachers at your place. Your attention is invited to this order & it is hoped yourself & associates will furnish this office with information thereunder. 

I am Sir 
Very Respectfully &c
Wm K White
A. Bu R.F.&A.L.

B. 22-F.B.D.C. 1867