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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Agent Sub District Columbus
Columbus Miss Sept 19, 1867

Gillispie Mrs Katy
Okolona Miss

I herewith transmit Vouchers (in duplicate) your favor for $64.30 amt of rent for Office Sub Asst Commr. You will sign them at the places indicated by the pencilling & have same witnessed and return to this office at your earliest convenience

I am Very Respectfully &c
Wm K White
Agent Bu R.F. and A.L.

[[Left Margin]]G 69. F.B.D.C. 1867. C.16. F.B.D.C. 1867 E & M 84 ~ 1867 S. 35 - F.B.D.C. 1867 = P.39. F.B.D.C = 1867[[/Left Margin]]

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Agent Sub District Columbus
Columbus Miss Sept 27, 1867

Bonsall Dr W.B.

It will be necessary for you to forward the a/c's and papers as instructed by me when you were here. The pendancy of your petition will make no difference in my investigation & it will be my duty to continue it until I receive orders to the contrary.

Yours &c
Wm K. White
Agent Bu R.F. & A.L.


Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Agent Sub Dist of Columbus
Columbus Miss Sept 27, 1867.

Morrow A.P.
West Point Miss

A petition having been received from the employees working for you last year for an investigation of their claims against you, in persuance of Genl Order No 19. Hd Quarters 4th Mil Dist and Harrison Johnston Esq having been appointed a referee in their behalf, you are therefore instructed to appoint one in your behalf, to meet at this Office Tuesday Oct 1st inst at 10 A.M. for the purpose of appointing a third & a time for the investigation of the claims.

During the pendancy of this petition and the investigation thereunder you are instructed not to remove or dispose of any portion of your crops

Wm K White 
Agent Bu R F. & A.L.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Agent Sub Dist of Columbus
Columbus Miss Sept 27, 1867

ldrow [[Muldrow?]] Bob & others, 

In persuance of your petition Harrison Johnston Esq has been appointed a referee in your behalf in the claim against A.P. Muldrow - Muldrow has been notified of the same.  I will duly notify you of the time & place of the hearing of your claims

Wm K. White
Agent Bu R.F. & A.L.