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546#  Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L. 
Office Agent Sub Dist of Columbus
Columbus Miss Oct 19, 1867

Sunderland Capt J.W.
AAA Genl Bureau RF & AL
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to transmit herewith the petition of Kate Greer (colored) praying transportation for her self and two children to Sumter S.C. her former place of residence.

I learn that the applicant is a worthy woman, but has been quite unfortunate by reason of continued illness while here, and that she desires to remove to her native place for the purpose of regaining her health and obtaining employment.

I am Capt
Very Respectfully
Your Ob'dt Servt
Wm K White
Agent Bu RF & AL

G. 100. F.B.D.C. 1867

547#  Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L. 
Office Agent Sub Dist of Columbus
Columbus Miss Oct 19, 1867

Sunderland Capt J.W.
AAA Genl Bureau RF & AL
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to state that on behalf of Lucy Blewett (colored) and others, a reference was directed by the office to ascertain the amount due to them from John Harrington (white) for labor last year upon his plantation That on the 28th inst the reference was held at my office and it was then decided by the referees that there was due from John Harrington to the freedmen the sum of Two hundred and Fifty two and 51/100 dollars.

I have also the honor to state that on the 1st inst I directed Harrington to appoint a referee and at the same time instructed him not to remove or dispose of any portion of his crop. He failed to appoint the referee and I again wrote him, a copy of which letter is herewith enclosed. On or about the 5th inst Harrington's son desired information, if he could present claims against his father for his labor and have the same arbitrated, which privilege I refused to grant.

Harrington now claims that the present crop belongs to his son, that he sold it to him last spring, to pay him for his last years labor. The son now says that he will not allow any portion of this crop to be sold to satisfy these claims. I am satisfied that it will be necessary to use Military force, & I would respectfully ask special instructions to cover this and other cases, as to the manner of procedure. Can military power be used to seize property on Harrington's place, and expose the same for sale at public auction, to pay these claims & costs incident thereto?

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Ob'dt Servt
Wm K White
Agent Bu RF & AL

548# Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L. 
Office Agent Sub Dist of Columbus
Columbus Miss Oct 22, 1867

Ross Wm H.
Agent Bu RF & AL Williamsburg Miss.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of One hundred and forty dollars ($140) to pay vouchers as follows