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573# Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L. 
Office Sub Dist of Columbus 
Columbus Miss Nov 4. 1867.

Sunderland Capt J.W. 
A.A.Q.M. and D.O. Bu R F and A.L.
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Check No 17. on the Asst. Treas U.S. St Louis Mo for ($159 17/100) One Hundred and Fifty Nine and 17/100 dollars, Amount of Vouchers as follows 
P. Williams Sept $10.00
Wm K White Sept 99.17
R.C. Harrison Sept 15.00
H Johnston Sept 35.00

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Ob'dt Servt
Wm. K. White
Agent Bu R.F. and A.L.

574#  Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L. 
Office Sub Dist of Columbus 
Columbus Miss Nov 4. 1867.

Sunderland Capt J.W. 
A.A.Q.M. and D.O. Bureau R F and A.L.
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt per Southern Express Co. C.O.D. of a package containing the following articles of Stationery.
1-4 Quire Blank Book, 2-3 qr Blank Books, 1/8 Ream letter Paper - 200 Envelopes O.B., 50 Envelopes small, 1 Blotting Board, 1 Bot Red Ink, 1 Bot Black Ink, 1 Inkstand, 1 Bot Mucilage, 1 Eraser, 1 paper folder, 1 Ruler, 2 Lead Pencils
2 Pen Holders, 6 steel Pens, 1 Piece Sealing Wax, 3 Pieces Red Tape.

I am Capt
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Wm K. White
Agent Bu RF & AL

575#  Bureau Refugees Freedmen and AL
Office Sub Dist of Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 4, 1867

Babbett Major 
Dobbs N.H. & whom it may Concern.

Complaint having been made at this Office that the freedmen and laborers upon the Plantation of the above Babbett & Dobbs are about to be deprived of their share of the crop, and that the said Babbett has already discharged said Employees & taken into his possession the growing crops.

Therefore the said Babbett and Dobbs or whoever may be concerned, are directed in compliance with Genl Orders No 31 & 50 Office Asst Commr to not remove or dispose of the crops grown by said labores, and it is further directed that said Babbett be held personally responsible for said crop, until further orders from this office.

Parties interested in the crops adversely [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] to the claims of the laborers will show cause at this office on Friday the 9th inst at 10 a.m. why an order should not be made apportioning [[strikethrough]] partitioning [[/strikethrough]] the shares of the crops to the laborers.

A non compliance with this order will follow the arrest of the offender to await trial before a Military Commission

Wm K. White
Agent Bu R.F. & AL.