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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Sub District of Columbus 
Columbus Miss Nov 7. 1867.

Special Order

To whom it may Concern:
In compliance with Special Instructions from Head Quarters 4th Military District and Office of the Asst Commissioner Bu R.F. and A.L. for the State of Mississippi and General Orders issued therefrom, and by virtue of the authority vested in me, the following order & instructions are issued for the settlement of the affairs pertaining to the freedmen who have been laboring during last and the present year for Archey Davis. 

Archey Davis, Amos O'Neal, and William Loftis are hereby appointed Agents for this office for the following purposes and will be guided by the instructions contained herein. 

The said Davis, O'Neal and Loftis will, after carefully weighing and measuring, make a detailed report to this office in writing of the number of pounds of cotton and bushels of Corn and amount of Fodder raised on the plantations cultivated by said Davis, known respectively as "The Centre Hill Place" "The True Place" and "The Major Watt Hurstons Place" giving specifically and seperate the amount raised upon each place and by each squad of hands. This report will embrace the entire amount raised without regard to any future division. To this report they will annex a statement approximately of what amount of the products of the places, has been consumed by the stock or otherwise, the amount that has been sold, removed or disposed of, and by whom and when and by what authority -

Also what amount will be required to feed the stock from the date of making the statement until the first day of Jany 1868.

They will also state in what condition and how stored the present crop is, & whether & in what manner it is succeptible of division among the freedmen. 


They will also annex a statement of the amount of rations, the charge for the same & whether reasonable by whom furnished & to whom under the Special instructions from this office dated Augt 16/67. They also will report articles furnished recently for the purpose of secureing the crop, with the full particulars connected therewith.

The original contracts with freedmen for this year & last year will be furnished by Mr Davis & annexed to the above report & statements, also the full account against each of the freedmen containing the items of charges & credits, time lost & designating in what squad & on what place they labored.

In addition to the above the said Davis, O'Neil & Loftis will make a special report of any violations of instructions from this Bureau or Office since the date of the official visit by Lieut H.R. Williams Asst Inspector Genl Bu R F & A.L. stating particularily the transaction & names to the end that the offender or offenders may be punished by a military tribunal if in accordance with the views of the Commanding General. They will also particularily enquire into the facts and report the same of the charges made against Maj George Harston of compelling the freedmen to give over to him a portion of the corn raised, also of the causing one of the cribs to be broken open and removing therefrom Corn also giving an estimate of the amount comming into his possession.
The above persons makeing these reports & statements will be careful in their compilation to the end that they may annex their oaths thereto, that the same is true to the best of their knowledge information & belief.

The said Davis, O'Neal and Loftus will proceed at the earliest practical moment to make out the above reports & statements & to present them to this office so that a full