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settlement may me made immediately. They will report under oath any person obstructing or hindering them in the discharge of their duties that the offenders may be punished

Wm K. White
Agent Bu R.F. & A.L.

H. 18- F.B. D.C. - 1867.                        
581# Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Sub District of Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 5 1867

Barber Lieut. M.
A.A.A.G. Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Vicksburg Miss

In compliance with Circular Instructions I have the honor to make the following report of the operations of this Bureau at this station during last month 

No. of Freedpeople in Sub Dist
I have no knowledge of any variation in the population of this Sub District since the date of my last report.

Condition & how they have been paid for work
The moral condition of the freedpeople without question improves daily, yet the activity of the improvement varies materially in different localities - some indicate a slow dogrel process, others a rapid vigorous one - to a person interested in their welfare the former creates discouragement while the latter encouragement - the contrast is so great that it is almost proverbial with me, after a brief conversation, to determine from what locality they are from.

Nature of Contracts for the present year
The nature of the contracts are as previously reported. I think that the freedmen will however insist upon receiving money for their labor during the year, and if they are given a prior lien for the wages which will attach itself to the crop in whosever hand

it may be found it will be greatly to their benefit. The rule of caveat emptor will then apply and there will be but a slight chance to defraud the laborer.

No of sick, old or infirm suffering from want
The number of sick, old or infirm among both colored and white seems to be on the increase from what I learn. I think I am committing no error when I charge upon the more oppulent of the Southern people, a desire to encourage a famine among the poorer classes - they continually predict it and I cannot but believe "the wish is father to the thought". In this Sub District and I presume in all others taxes are sufficient if judiciously disbursed to care for paupers, but I fear the State and County officials in many instances are perpetrating vast frauds.

No of Rations issued
No rations have been issued since my assuming the duties of this office.

Schools their [[No &]] condition
The School Report from this office dated Oct 12/67 embraces all the details of the school system of this Sub District. An effort is now being made to establish a school at Crawfordville and as there is no building suitable, they are now ascertaining what means can be obtained to erect one.

The School Building at Artesia is nearly completed and it is expected that the school can be opened in it in about two weeks.

Marital relations of the Freedmen
The improvement under this head noticed in my last report still continues

Disposition the Whites toward the colored people
I do not know that I ought to call the differences arising between whites and blacks, hatred for I hardly think it amounts to that, but probably the better term would be jealosy; this continues but the intensity of the feeling abates gradually - all the whites accord to the negro

Transcription Notes:
dogrel = doggerel - loose or irregular in measure