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reasons, in substance, that a felony could not be compounded and be transfered into a civil action, and that my duty as a Government officer, would in justice to the charge require my application for their arrest and trial before a Military Commission. The parties are all residents of this place and I apprehend no desire upon their part to flee.

I am Lieut
Very Respectfully
Your Ob'dt Servt
Wm. K. White
Agent Bu R.F. and A.L.


Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Sub District of Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 4. 1867.

Dobbs & Co N.H. & others

In order to obtain a final settlement with the hands employed by M.L. Bickerstaff & the owners of the land, It is hereby directed that the affairs be left to Wesley Williams Esq & Wm. Huggins who will select a third disinterested person. The arbitration will meet at Osceola at the earliest convenient season giving a notice to all parties & requiring them to make oath to the truth of all statements, the arbitrators will allow in full all advances made individually to laborers & also all individual rations advanced by Bickerstaff or Dobbs &c. The laborers will individually bear their proportion of one half the necessary expenses for making the crop

After hearing and deciding upon the various claims presented, the arbitrators will draw up a report of the same certified by them & transmit to this office for approval. The order from this office dated Nov 4./67 will remain in force until further notice

Wm K White
Agt Bu.R.F. & A.L.



Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L.
Office Sub Dist of Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 8. 1867.

Kemp Richard


Jerry Mitchell (cold) makes complaint against you under the provisions of Genl Order No 19 Head Quarters 4th Military District

In substance the complaint is that you have threatened him with violence, compelled him to leave your place & refused a settlement.

You are instructed to make a statement of the facts in writing to this office also setting forth any matter of defence you may have to the charge. This statement will be furnished on or before five days from the date hereof.

I am &c
Wm. K. White
Agent Bu R F & A.L.


Bu R.F. & A.L. Office Sub Dist Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 8. 1867

Dixon Alexander
West Point


Your attention is invited to Genl Order No 19. Head Quarters 4th Military District & in accordance therewith you will not remove or dispose "of any crop until the share of the laborers shall have been ascertained & assigned them"

This order will remain in force until revoked by this office upon it being shown that there has been a full & fair compliance herewith

Wm. K. White
Agent Bu R.F. & A.L.