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Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
Office Sub Dist of Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 12, 1867

Westbrook J.H. Esq
Major &c West Point


Jessie Duncan (cold) has applied to me concerning a stray mare in which you & him have had dealings.

Please give me the particulars about it, and whither he is entitled to anything.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Wm. K. White
Agent Bu. R.F. & A.L.


Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Sub District of Columbus
Columbus Miss Novr 13, 1867.

Barber Lieut Merritt
A.A.A. Genl Bu.R.F. and A.L.
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to transmit herewith the affidavit of Thos Brownrigg (cold) detailing outrages committed upon him near Verona, Lee County Miss, by Green Merritt & others. The appearent earnestness with which he detailed this statement convinces me of its truth and therefore would request that it may be fully investigated.

Thomas will remain in this District & will report to me as soon as he finds a house, where he can at anytime be found.

I am Lieut
Very Respectfully Your Ob'dt Srvt
Wm. K. White,
Agent Bu. R.F. & A.L.


Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Sub District of Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 14, 1867.

Williams Joe (cold)
Pickens Co. Ala

Sir = The legal position of your affairs are as follows. Your contract with Pinkney Duncan is void, you being a minor and incable, though obligatory on him, therefore you are not liable to him for damages for any breach.

Regarding the blanket - I think you are morally bound to pay its reasonable value.

Should any other disposition be made, on application, the commanding Genl will annul it

I am &c
Wm. K. White
Agent Bu. R.F. and A.L.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Sub District of Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 15, 1867.

[[illegible]]onnell Levi Mayor &c or
Acting Justice of the Peace

I have the honor to refer to you the cases of Maria Williams & Laura Bailey (cold) against Chas Cox for Assault & Battery with the request that you will cause the arrest of Cox & if found guilty punish him according to law in such cases made & provided.

The latter case was reported to this office yesterday, but deeming it not serious I had concluded to pass it unnoticed, but by so doing I find the cases multiply, therefore I deem it necessary to take steps to prevent  further breaches of the peace. The magistrate disposing of the above causes will please inform this office of the decision in each cause, so that this officer may know of their complete settlement & make an entry thereof in the records of this office.

I am Sir Very Respectfully &c
Wm. K. White
Agt Bu RF & A.L.