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620#  Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L
Office Sub Dist of Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 19./67

Farr Thos
Chickasaw Co.


I have the honor to state that your communication to the commanding Genl made date of Sept 2/67 was referred to this office for action & that the final order entered therein having been stayed & application having been made by the counsel for H.H. Harrington, that you might be directed to show cause why recourse should not be made on you first, for the payment of the laborers

Therefore it is ordered that Thos Farr show cause at this office, on the 29th inst at 10 a.m. why the order issued from this office dated Oct 22/67 should not be stayed & said Farr be directed to pay said laborers the full amount due them for last years services. At the hearing, written or verbal argument may be used & counsel may or may not appear for the respective parties.

I am Sir &c.
Wm K White
Agent Bu R F & A.L.

621#  Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Sub Dist of Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov. 19. 1867

Orr Col

I have the honor to state that in obedience to your request as counsel for H.H. Harrington I have issued the following order. "It is ordered that Thos Farr show cause at this office on the 29 inst at 10 a.m. why the order issued from this office, dated Oct 22/67 should not be stayed and said Farr be directed to pay said laborers the full amount due them for last years services At the hearing written or verbal argument may be used & counsel may or may not appear


for the respective parties."

You will confer a favor by notifying your client Mr Harrington.

I am Sir &c
Wm. K. White
Agent Bu RF&AL

622#  Bureau Refugees Freedmen and AL
Office Sub District of Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 20, 1867

Chandler John. W.

Dear Sir

Mr Lewis Rawitch has this day presented me with a bond securing the freedmen under existing orders from Hd Quarters 4 Mil Dist.

I should like to see you at your earliest convenience & before further steps are taken.

I am Sir &c
Very Respectfully
Wm. K. White
Agent Bu RF&AL

623#  Bureau Refugees Freedmen and AL
Office Sub Dist of Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 22, 1867

Nelson Wm & Wright Gardiner,


I have the honor to invite your attention to Genl Orders No 19, Head Quarters 4th Mil Dist and in accordance therewith you will not remove or dispose of any crop until settlements are made.

I would also call the attention of Mr Nelson to the first clause of the above order & state that Junius has filed a complaint for a violation thereof on or about the 17th of Sept last. Mr Nelson will therefore present a statement of the facts and any matters of defense thereto, in writing duly verified, so that this officer in the investigation may have the full statements of both parties before reporting to Head Quarters.

I am &c
Wm. K. White
Agt Bu RF&AL

Transcription Notes:
in brackets is text i didnt understand repaired existing text but unfinished