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168  169

628#  Bureau Refugees Freemen and A.L.
Office Sub Dist of Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 23/67

Kemp Richd

A violation of Genl Order No 19, Hd Qrtrs 4th Mil Dist is reported to this office by Henry (cold). You will present a statement in writing of the facts. A similar charge was preferred against you on or about the 9th inst
I am Sir
Wm. K. White
Agent Bur R. F. & A.L.

629#  Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A.L.
Office Sub District of Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 25.1867.

Davis Archey & others

In order that a final settlement may be made between the laborers and Archey Davis upon the two plantations owned by Maj Geo Hairston it is hereby ordered.

1st That Archey Davis in persuance to Genl Order No 19. Head Quarters 4th Military District, select a person qualified to act as a referee, which referee will report to this office in person on Thursday Nov. 28th inst. In case of neglect in selecting such a referee or in case such referee should neglect to report to this office, then such appointment will be made by this office.

2nd In persuance to the order above referred to a hearing will be had before three referees, of all claims between the laborers and said Davis & such other matters as shall be just & equitable in the premises to the end that a decision may be made thereon & if found to be in good faith & keeping with the requirements of said order may be duly enforced. Said hearing is appointed at this office on Monday Dec 2. at 10 a.m. & to continue for such length of time as may be just & shall be hereafter directed
3rd At the hearing above mentioned the claims of any or all credits may be presented - & the right of being heard or questioning the amount of the claim of any creditor or laborer will be permitted to the end that a just & faithful decision may be made.

4th All existing orders will remain in force except so much as may be modified or changed by this order. 

5th To prevent starvation or distress the following distribution of corn will be made to the various squads by Amos O'Neil - Patrick Hairston's squad 96 bushels - Gloster Wilburns squad 32 bushels - James Minors squad 88 bushels - Edward Alleys squad 67 bushels - Joseph Hairistons squad 75 bushels  & Wm Loftis squad 152 bushels, which distribution will be accounted for in the settlement. 

Wm. K. White
Agent Bu R.F. & A.L.

630#  Bu Refugees Freedmen and AL
Office Sub Dist of Columbus
Columbus Miss Nov 26, /67

Cox Mrs Julia A. To

The matter of the hearing in the settlement of the claims of Mrs Julia A. Cox against Dycia Cox (cold) having been submitted to Arbitration & the following facts found - That Dycia is not liable for any agreement made by Fenton Mercer - that the custom of the country is to rent land for the one fourth of the products of the same, except potatoes & peas & that Dycia in the abscence of any expressed contract worked under this custom - that Dycia produced by the labor of herself & those whom she employed 100 bu corn 1277 lbs cotton, 1200 pounds Fodder & 10 bu Potatoes in all of the value of $130.31

Mrs Julia A. Cox will therefore immediately release the attachment & deliver to Dycia the 3/4

Transcription Notes:
not certain about first name of Davis