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G.O. No 30 and any other information which may be necessary relative to the return of teachers accounts.
I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Wm K White
Agent Bu RF and AL

642#  Bureau Refugees Freedmen and AL
Office Sub District of Columbus
Columbus Miss Dec 1, 1867
Howard Maj Genl O.O.
Commissioner Bureau RF and AL
Vicksburg Miss
In compliance with Circular No 12/66 I have the honor to report myself on duty as Agent Bu RF and AL for the Sub District of Columbus Miss under authority of S.O. No 75, from Office of the Asst Commr for Miss, dated Vicksburg Miss Augt 20, 1867
I am Genl
Very Respectfully
Your Ob'dt Servt
Wm. K. White
Agent Bu RF and AL
Thro office of Asst Commr.

643#  Bureau Refugees Freedmen and AL
Office Sub District of Columbus
Columbus Miss Dec 4, 1867
Whitfield G. Jr
Sir, Your attention is called to Genl Order No 19, Hd Qrtrs 4th Military District, which directs that the laborers portion of the crop be assigned to them & that no crop be removed [[strikethrough]] or disposed [[/strikethrough]] until the same is done &c. If a dispute arises between the employer & laborer relative to advances &c the same is to be settled by arbitration as in said order proscribed. A liberal construction of the order would give to the employer a lien upon the crop of the laborer for necessary advances furnished for making the crop which the employer could demand of the purchaser or laborer before removal of the crop from the premises but in no case has the employer, the right to dispose of the laborers crop without his consent
I am Sir
Very Respectfully &c
Wm K White
Agent Bu RF & AL

644#  Bureau Refugees Freedmen and AL
Office Sub District of Columbus
Columbus Miss Dec 4, 1867
Barber Lieut M.
AAA Genl Bureau RF and AL
Vicksburg Miss
Lieut, I have the honor to transmit herewith Vouchers (duplicate) to Abstract "F" for the approval of the Asst Commr which please return at your earliest convenience.
I am Lieut
Very Respectfully
Your Ob'dt Servt
Wm K White
Agent Bu RF & AL