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Office Bu R.F. and A.L.
Columbus. Miss. Feb 10. 68.

Sunderland. J.W. Lieut.
D.O. and A.A.Q.M. Bureau &c
Vicksburg. Mississippi

I have the honor to transmit herewith Monthly Return of Q.M. Stores, with corresponding vouchers & transfer paper.

Also Report of Persons & Articles hired, & vouchers of H. Johnston for $35.00 for rent, month of January 1868.

I am Sir
Very Respt
Your Obdt. Servt.
James Kelly
Capt 34th Inft. & SAC

Office Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Columbus Miss. Feb 10. 68.

Sunderland Lieut J.W.
D.O. & A.A.Q.M. Bureau &c,
Vicksburg. Miss.

I have the honor to state that on the 23rd of January 1868, a requisition for stationary was forwarded to your office, and no answer has been recd from the same

I am Sir
Very Respt
Your Obdt. Servt.
James Kelly
Capt 34th Infty & SAC
per Shepard
Clerk &c

Office Bu R.F and A.L. Columbus. Miss. Feb 11. 68.

Pease. H.R.
Genl. Supt of Education for. Miss. V. Burg. Miss.

I have the honor to transmit herewith School Reports for month of January 1868.

I am Sir
Very Respt
James Kelly per Shep
Capt 34th Inft. & S.A.C.

Office Bureau R.F and A.L. Columbus. Miss. Feb 11. 68.

Pease H.R.
Genl. Supt. of Education for Miss. V. Burg. Miss.

I have the honor to transmit herewith the following statement in relation to funds for educational purposes.

By an act of Congress passed in 1803, every sixteenth section for the benefit of education, in the township in which they severally lay, had been appropriated 

Columbus is located on such a section, & leased out for ninety nine years, according to a law of the state. This lease only amounts to two thousand and six hundred dollars ($2600.00) pr year, & is all expended by the trustees of the township for the support of a school, to which colored children are not admitted. This amount should have been paid in August, there is however about eight hundred dollars ($800.00) of this amount still in the Treasr. This  information I have received within the past few days. I therefore respt. forward you this statement, to take whatever action you may think proper in the matter.

Very Respt
Your Obdt Servt
James Kelly
Capt 34th Inft & SAC