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Office Bureau R.F and A.L.
Columbus. Miss. Feb 12.1868

Sunderland. Lieut. J.W.
D.O. and A.A.Q.M. Bureau &c.
Vicksburg. Mississippi.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of one box of stationery.

Very Respt
James Kelly
Capt 34th Inft. & SAC

Office Bureau R.F and A.L.
Columbus. Mississippi Feb 14. 68

Sunderland. Lieut. J.W.
D.O. and AAQM. Bureau &c
Vicksburg. Miss.

I have the honor to state that I received from William K. White. Agt. &c. Okolona. Miss. one hundred and ten dollars ($110.00). for which sum I gave him my receipt.

$35.00 for Rent of Office (H. Johnston)
$75.00 for Lumber (J. Couley)

I am Sir Very. Respt.
Your Obdt. Servt.
James Kelly
Capt 34th Inft. & SAC

Office Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Columbus. Miss. Feb 15. 1868.

Sunderland. Lieut. J.W.
D.O. and AAQM Bureau &c  V-Burg. Miss.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of one hundred and Nineteen


dollars and fifty eight cents ($119.58)
$70.00 Rent of Office H. Johnston/Dec and Jany.
$49.58 For services (J.W. Shepard) Jany a port. [[?]]

I am Sir
Very. Respct
Your Obdt Servt.
James Kelly
Capt 34th Inft. & SAC
per JCS

Office Bureau R.F and A.L.
Columbus. Miss. Feby 20. 68.

Sunderland Lt. J.W.
D.O. & A.A.Q.M. Bu &c. V-Burg. Miss.

I have the honor to request the following supply of Blanks.

Vouchers for Postage
Abstracts for Purchases

I am Sir
Very Respct
Your Obdt. Servt.
James Kelly
Capt 34th Inft. & SAC

Office Bureau R.F and A.L.
Columbus. Miss Feb 19. 1868.

Houston. Major. J.W.F.
Crawfordville. Miss.

If the case in regard to Mr. Davis and yourself is not settled before next Tuesday, such a part of the cotton detained, will be sold to cover the debts of Mr. Davis, as such was allowed by the board of Arbitrators.

Very Respt
James. Kelly per JCS
Capt 34th Inft & SAC